how much to $pend to claim i am an audiophile?

i am thinking of starting a new hobby. this one seams great! but how much do i have to spend to be able to honestly call myself an audiophile? i saw some grado headphones for about $60 , if i get these can i then make the claim?
You are an audiophile when the loan officers at your bank greet you by first name, and call to check on you when they don't see you for a few months.
Jond- you right about that, my friend. and welcome to the (Audio) asylum, Jetguy. Oops, wrong web site. Anyways, have fun!!!
Start by becoming an Audiogon member - get a real USERNAME ...

And if you feel like this hobby is triving you nuts - become a member in the Asylum (

Restock's suggestion is a good one. And choose your nick wisely. I didn't, so am stuck with polysyllabic inanity forever.

Anyways, if you love music and audio stuff then you qualify. Love sounds a bit too hubristic of course, perhaps discriminating is more modern? But a - forgive me - etymological note may help to get clear on your question. There are quite a few words incorporating the Greek verb philein, meaning to love, sometimes as prefix, philosophy say, or suffix, for example, anglophile, audiophile or whatever.

About the headphones - if it's the SR-60's considered, you might also want to consider Sennheiser 580's, a bit pricier, or the 600's a lot more so, especially if your tastes swing more to the classical than to rock/pop. For the latter, Grados in general are a good match, but this is just one opinion and no substitute for first-hand listening with familiar music.
If you've ever judged the price of a restaurant meal by how many CD's it costs, you're an audiophile.

If you've ever been able to hear the difference between two sound systems, and cared that there was a difference, you're an audiophile.

If you've ever wanted to spend more money than you make in a week (or month or year) on anything audio-related, you're an audiophile.

If you've ever considered selling blood (or other bodily fluids) to pay for anything audio-related, you're an audiophile.

If you've ever turned off the car radio or boombox because it didn't sound right, you're an audiophile.

If you ever listened anyway even though you could tell it didn't sound right, you're an audiophile.

If you even know what Grado headphones are, you're an audiophile.

If you've ever started or replied to a thread on Audiogon, you're an audiophile.