Bargain interconnects to tame treble & boost bass?

Here's the system:
Sony DVP-NS755V
Audioquest Alpha Snake
Bryston B60R
Kimber 4TC / 8TC bi-wire
Triangle Heliade ES

Problem: Sound tilted way toward top-end.

I've done about as much as I can in speaker placement and room adjustments, but the system still sounds too bright and too bass-shy. The treble is also a problem when running the television sound (digital cable) through the system, so, while I recognize that the DVD / CD player is not the best, I don't think it is the primary culprit. (I do plan to upgrade the CD player eventually.)

I sort of suspect that the ultimate solution would be either to replace the amp with a tube amp or to replace the speakers. But both are recent purchases, so I would like to see if better interconnects might make a difference.

Are there interconnects for $200 or less (for 1m), new or used, that would help solve my system's problems? I am open to any other suggestions you might have. Thanks.
I replaced my expensive Cardas speaker cables with inexpensive Signal Cables and my system has never sound better. Before it was tiny and shrike in the highs and no bass to speak of, Strange for a speaker that has 2 10" bass cones. Once I put in the Signal Cables it opened up, sounded more natural, more bass and no more tiny high's.

I have Triangle Comete ES (same tweet as yours) and I love the treble with a CJ tube amp. You need very good quality amps for those Triangles - they are ruthlessly accurate.

If that doesn't fix it, an EQ will help much more than cables. trust me, I've tried both ways.

A few suggestions
1) Your amplifier maybe over damping the drivers.This could give you an imbalanced sound. If available maybe from a friend, try a different amplifier in place of the Bryston.

2) Change the source, it will make more of a difference than you think.

3) Change speakers, it will make the single biggest difference in component swaps. The Eq will help but it's only a bandaid. Especially if every recording you play sounds the same.

3) Play with the tow in and placement of current speakers. This is if you haven't tried it yet.

Good luck ..hope it works out for you
You need a new source in the worst way. Dont spend hundreds on cable while you use such a weak source.