Eldartford, I got the unit working for me last night. Like a complete and total IDIOT, I had the inputs going to my integrated, and outputs going to my CD player. After a couple of minutes of playing around, only being able to get output in "Bypass All" mode, I checked the cables, fixed the stupid mistake, and all worked perfectly afterwards.
Funny that I spent all my initial effort on the female XLR adapter for the outputs, and ended up routing the cables to the wrong place. The inputs are a pair of ICs with RCAs on the output of the CDP and male XLRs into the Behringer. From the outputs of the Behringer, I have a Cardas female XLR - female RCA adapter, then a pair of ICs, with RCAs on each end running into the integrated.
I didn't spend enough time afterwards to gauge the sound, but I was able to change things via the DEQ operation, which left me as pleased as punch as it's the goal of an EQ device. Tonight, I'll sit down and listen more critically, and try to ascertain its effects sonically. After that, I'll switch out the integrated and install the AtmaSphere monos. I have a different pair of male RCA - male XLR cables that'll go right into the Atmas. The CDP is variable out via the tube output - currently set at the 11 O'Clock position.
Nothing is being overdriven or underdriven in my opinion, and so far I've listened at quite low levels. My impressions of the sound in "Bypass All" mode are that I agree that the unit is dead quiet, it's just not 100% transparent. I hope that distinction is not lost on anyone. Along with the aforementioned minor reduction - I'm talking very slight, and totally correctable via a bit of EQ I'll add in later. In DEQ mode, it seemed the additional circuitry made itself known even moreso, but I don't want to say too much yet.
Please understand that the level of resolution I have is such that changes in cabling, tubes, etc. are instantly apparent, and this is no different. Still, it's night and day better than any other equalizer I've ever tried. It also easily, and I do mean easily, eclipses any preamp (Blue Circle, Cary, CAT, Joule, Jeff Rowland) I have installed in terms of transparency, detail, resolution, dynamics, etc. - unlike any preamp I have tried, it did a far, far, far better job of not adding or taking away anything to or from the sound.
I'm waiting on the ECM8000 microphone you recommended (Thank you!), and if the room EQ functionality can fix the issues I have had in there, which room treatments helped with, but did not solve, I'll be as big a proponent of the Behringer DEQ2496 as you are. Over the past four years, I have tried all manner of cabling, tubes, CD players, preamplifiers, power amplifiers, and speakers before coming to the conclusion that the room is the issue - and the most important link in the audio chain. So many of us have MAJOR room issues (I have one excellent room, and this lousy room), including a guy I know who is considered one of the biggest gurus in audio, that finding a component that can correct the problems is a far more important purchase than any room treatment, cable, preamp, or front end source.