Zucable's Varial

Anyone out there using these ICs with their cdp? My new rig setup means I have to sell my Harmonix Golden Performance. Just too short no matter how I slice it. Zu does have a generous money back return policy, but I was just wondering if anyone out there has these babies in their system? Oops, just realized that I haven't checked the archives, but if any audiophools haven't contributed in the past, I'd certainly appreciate your feedback. thanks in advance. peace, warren :)
Tvad, thanks for speaking for Ken. You're a real power and protector of the 'gon. Tone controls are tone controls. And I'm not picking on Ozzy. Let him speak for himself. I forgot about your onion skin temperment.
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I also can't see where Ozzy referred to any interconnects as "tone controls". Since this is your thread, I'll sign off with:

Peace, Sherod
If Ozzy never used an IC to soften some strident highs, or add a little brightness to something here or there that needed it, or maybe an IC that had a little more punch for this or that...I stand corrected....I thought by the mere mention of Kimber that he may lean that way. NBFD...sleep tight Ozzy, they are watching out for you....peace, warren :)