THE LATEST---Gold plated fuses?

My pal just learned of 25 dollar a pop,gold plated fuses.He is about to buy a bunch,and is giving me the "typical" pitch.This is an area I'm really sceptical about.I have no problems with tweaks,but these look like overkill.Any thoughts?
What can you tell us about the Power Matrix fuses? Where did you find them? Does anyone else make an audio grade breaker box? $4000 is a lot of money, can it be done more econmicially?
I don't know about the other audio grade fuse makers, but Isoclean seems to be the only company that has UL, CE, and other approvals. Here are links to some reviews of the Isoclean fuses published in Positive Feedback, 6moons, and Ultra Audio:
Uppermidfi, Tin_cup

I hate myself for drawing your interest in the power matrix, as I actually get them outside USA in the Far East. These are manufactured in the US, I understand, but I don't know where you can get them in the country.

What I know about the power matrix is little except it sound better than the Furutech and some other I have tried, albeit more expensive. My rememberance of past advertisement of the product being that they use precious metal for the wire and filled with RFI absorbing material. The product did not accompany any explanation and unlike normal fuse the Power Matrix is sealed and one cannot see through the inside.

I see if I can trace the contact details of the manufacturer and if success will post for information.