Audio Magic's MST treatment?

Audio Magic power conditioners and some cables are said to have this MST treatment. Does anyone know what that means?

Also they say that when you opening the power conditioners will destroy this treatment which accounts for 30% of its sound quality. Is there any truth in this, will this treatmnet be affected by the light, air? The power conditioners are not air tight and there are many Audio Magic cables that are MS treatmed which are obviously not effected by the light.

What do you think? Is this warning really true or is it just a way to prevent users opening the units and messing up with them?
I have been using Audio Magic products for years, and love them. If Jerry, Mr Silver himself--the Audio Magic man says that light will have a deleterious on the MST treatment, I believe him. You would feel better if you called Jerry and asked him all your questions. Hopefully you will come away with the same impressions I did. peace, warren
I'm also a long time Audio Magic user and extremely happy with their performance. But like most of us, I need to tweak it just to see if I can get it sound better. I plan to change its outlets with Oyaide duplexes. If the light is as you say deleterious on the MST treatment how it doesn't effect the cables with the same treatment??? And I don't think he assembles these conditioners under infra-red light. I don't know I'm just curious...
Is Jerry doing your outlets? Why do you think he wouldn't be assembling his conditioners under infra-red light? I'm curious, as well, but maybe a tad more trusting. Gullible maybe?
Sending the unit back to him will be just to difficult for me and I'm sure he will not say yes to me to open the box. Well, maybe I'll use IR light to change receptacles :-)