Computer Audio Setup

Realy wanting to get a computer setup. Im using a PS audio pwd with bridge into tube amp and merlins vsm speakers. Ive been feeding sonos into the pwd but the sonos limitations are my current issue. I love sonos for my whole house audio but not for high end stereo. I purchased a nas to put all my cds on but feel id rather have a computer based audio system. So how should I proceed? I have an imac thats two floors above my stereo so direct connection is out. Can i stream with higher rez from sites like mog or rhapsody using a computer than my current sonos setup?

You can improve on the Sonos a lot with a resampling reclocker.

If you want the best SQ possible, then get an async USB converter with HDMI I2S to your PWD. You must locate a Mac Mini at the audio system and run iTunes and Pure Music on it. USB cable to the converter. You can control the Mini from upstairs Mac or an iPad and spool your music from upstairs disk. Rhapsody can be wireless from the Mini. The computer upstairs does not need to be involved in Rhapsody.

iTunes Remote controls everything. Its free.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Hey Steve thanks for the input. I woukd love to use your setup but cant wrap my head or wallet arounf $1200 for a cable format converter. With all I have read I have no doubt that your products are fabulous though.
James, not quite sure how you are set up. It sounds like you have a bridge, but you are not actually using it. Obviously you can stream from the NAS into the bridge, using PS audio's eLyric as the controller app. This will get you I2S. For this you need to set up a upnp server somewhere on the network. If you do this you won't need a Macmini, USB converter or expensive cabling. Any el cheapo PC hosting AssettUpNp, PS audio eLyric server or something equivalent will do.

The alternative Steve is alluding to is to get his forthcoming offramp 5, which allows you go from a a high grade music server into a USB converter, I2S into the perfectwave Dac. This may be better than network streaming into the bridge, but (A) the offramp 5 is not even shipping yet, (B) this setup will set you back a few grand more than using the bridge and (C) there is not a user base than confirms this setup will beat the bridge.

My advise would be to start using the bridge first, and once the offramp 5 is shipping, initial user feedback is very good, and you have some money burning a hole in your pocket, consider going the offramp route.
"The alternative Steve is alluding to is to get his forthcoming offramp 5, which allows you go from a a high grade music server into a USB converter, I2S into the perfectwave Dac."

Actually, I was referring to a new resampler/reclocker for $599.00 just made for the Sonos etc..

Steve N.
Empirical Audio