Need help - High-end cabling strategy

I need some help - a little help and experienced ears on specific cable selection, but more importantly some thoughts on an overall cabling "strategy".

I have just completed an major overhaul of my electronics moving from a Mark Levinson integraed to a Mark Levinson 320S Pre driving a Halcro DM38 Power amplifier. My source is an Electrocompaniet EMC-1UP CD player all driving Egglestonworks Rosa loudspeakers. Current speaker cables are Analysis-Plus Big Silver Ovals. Power cords are all stock.

My first priority is (and should be, right?) interconnects. I am currently demo-ing a pair of Siltech SQ110 balanced ICs CD to Pre and really like the sound (focused, wide, balanced tone). Pre to power is a demo pair of Van Den Hul Jubilees (also balanced) I live in Shanghai, China so my choices with local dealer are really limited to these 2 brands.

So several "strategic" questions... I've got $40K plus into electronics, so I am prepared to buy serious cables to match the system, but I want to be sane about this. How to allocate and prioritize my cable investment on the front end (CD to Pre) versus the back end (Pre to power)? If I plan to spend another $4-5K on cables in the short term, should I put it all into killer ICs (like the Siltech Classic series) and live with stock power cords for a while or should I spread out more evenly across the system? Should I put a ultra high-end IC CD to Pre (like the Siltech Forbes Lake) and something much more modest from Pre to Power or am I better off "balancing" these two?

Thanks to all!

Just my 2 cents here but I would replace all the stock PCs with something decent. Maybe get a great line conditioner like the Power Wing. Then I'd replace the CDP and call it a day. I'd devote the rest of my $$$, if I had any, on music and finding the time to listen to it. This never ending chase, while fun for some personality types, can become an obsession that wastes time and obscures the reason we do all this in the first place. Everyone has the right to seek their own happiness of course, this is just what I would do given the circumstances you describe. The other suggestions are just as valid.
I find cables so difficult for myself nevermind advising someone else. I will repeat what wiser heads have said before, there are no best cable rcommendations, because cables are so system dependent. Even Roy Gregory of the mag HiFi+ who is a Nordost Valhalla fanatic, occasionally admits other makers are better for some gear. In my system, I find Acoustic Zen is best, but I would'nt recommend it for another system, withoot audition. May I suggest the cable company, they have wide experience of matching cable to kit and of course, a large stock of 2nd hand cable they will send abroad.
My own experience was that power conditioning and Power chords made the most difference, but the chords need'nt be that costly. I did'nt seem to find expensive Nordost chords better than my cheaper Kemp or Merlin. I am sure others will disagree and say I did'nt try the right expensive PC. As far as cable loom is concerned, I agree same manufacturer, but need not be the same as power chord. I agree with Newbee, speaker cable will give the biggest upgrade, so first, when you establish, by audition which manufacturer to go with. It is as easy as that!!!
I guess it depends on just how obsessive one is. With all new parts; I would have to listen and observe--and mostly enjoy what I had just bought. Then after a time you will be more familiar wih what U got and be able to perceive good from better cables.__OR__ talk to The Cable Co.
would suggest power cords... you really havent heard your system.. it is really hard to audition cables unless decent pc's are in place..btw, audience makes a great pc for not that much money...

since you are in china, are there some options with demo cables from singapore ?
Completely agree with Mikesinger. You do not know what your system can sound like without decent PCs. I think you will be surprised.