Are NBS cables are sound better than Nordost ?

I want to upgrade my MIT Oracle V2.1 for Nordost Val. But a friend rec. to me the NBS Omega cable. How are these cables compare to each other? My system is: Wadia,Tenors 75wi and Kharma 1D.
I found the same faults with al the NBS gear with many different brands of equipment. So for me it is clear that NBS makes everthing out of proportion, it is a poperty what NBS has. When you compare the Valhalla with the most expensive NBS cables you miss information. Every person can hear it, and that is resolution.
Lenox says:
"Valhalla is the only cable who can let you hear the highest resolution".

I vigorously disagree with this. There are a handful of interconnects from PAD, Stealth, Jena, Prana, etc. which are clearly superior to this overrated product. However, Valhalla is unsurpassed in the hype surrounding it.
NBS cables are ridiculously expsenive for their quality (good to very good, depdending on the models.
there are even bettre cables, less expensive !)
Other brands would sell it half price, at least !

Nordot is not a good comparison, as it's not so good cables.
It's better to judge the right type of cable depending on the quality of your system. Many people make the mistake that they think the most expensive cable is always the best for their stereo.
The "big" NBS cables and some other serious brands only work when the execution of inner and outer dynamics of your components are extremely well organized.
Otherwise the sound gets too flat or dry and the flow is gone; then the cables are letting you hear too much information.
I have tried a lot of cables in my system and when I tried some of the higher-cost NBS cables there was no way of going back. The NBS have an immediacy, a vividness in the midrange that is to die for. I was surprised at how much bigger the soundstage is and the improvement in bass. The only problem you might have, if your system is bass-heavy to begin with, the NBS may enhance this effect until you get too much bass. Not a problem in my rig but it might be in others.