Hi, Just to answer a few of the questions above. I do not use or need any type of Zorbel network on the DIY cat6 speaker cables. I have Hales Revelations 3 speakers (86db). I have in the past used Odyssey Extreme Mono blocks 300wpc to drive them. I made my first pair of cat6 speaker cables for them. 4ft is all I needed(mono-blocks). And the combo sounded great. But needed to down size to single amp. So I sold the very large but great sounding Odyssey Extreme Mono's(red boards). I am saving my chips now for something new. But I have been using a 60wpc Adcom GFA 535 to drive the Hales with ease. This little amp rocks. It has a lot more power than you might think. I upgraded all the fuses to ceramic instead of glass(same value). Then I made the cat6 speaker cables that are the subject of this post. And as I stated before they add a great deal to my musical enjoyment. I use bare wire on the amp end and spades on the speaker end. The DIY cat 6 is 8ft in length and very neutral sounding mids,highs,and bass are all there in spades. I have to admit that 60 good wpc(Adcom) does not beat 300 very good wpc(Odyssey). But this is were I am at now, and with the DIY cat6 speaker cables in the mix, it not that bad of a place to be. Cford - I have an all Green or all Blue 27 pair Teflon cat6 set up ready for braiding. I have separated the 27 pairs in 9 groups of 3. The outer jacket is also removed as like the Chris VH audio recipe. email me if you are intrested. edwrjam1@bellsouth.net