Hi John,
I understand your points, and we may not be to far apart. I do not think it is right to say silver cables are bright or cause brightness; some may be but that's more of a design issue IMO.
It seems to me that Nordost cables are known to be a bit on the bright side, copper or silver, so I would agree to not using those cables in his system. I do believe there are silver cables that could be run in that system just fine. Now whether the gear and speakers are a mismatch causing issues, this I cannot attest to.
You had mentioned trying silver cables many times w/o success until a speaker change, I offer two things to think about. 1) The cables simply revealed "weaknesses" in your system, or maybe 2) not the best designed cables. I am not saying it has to be one or the other but rather some possibilities.
Correct me if wrong, but you are suggesting using cables as tone controls? If so, I suppose if one enjoys the results, no harm no foul.
You ask for suggestions, as can be seen from my system, I like Audio Note cables. Their AN-V can be purchased relativly cheap and I think it is very good incomparison. If someone wants impressive looking cables though, these are not it.
I understand your points, and we may not be to far apart. I do not think it is right to say silver cables are bright or cause brightness; some may be but that's more of a design issue IMO.
It seems to me that Nordost cables are known to be a bit on the bright side, copper or silver, so I would agree to not using those cables in his system. I do believe there are silver cables that could be run in that system just fine. Now whether the gear and speakers are a mismatch causing issues, this I cannot attest to.
You had mentioned trying silver cables many times w/o success until a speaker change, I offer two things to think about. 1) The cables simply revealed "weaknesses" in your system, or maybe 2) not the best designed cables. I am not saying it has to be one or the other but rather some possibilities.
Correct me if wrong, but you are suggesting using cables as tone controls? If so, I suppose if one enjoys the results, no harm no foul.
You ask for suggestions, as can be seen from my system, I like Audio Note cables. Their AN-V can be purchased relativly cheap and I think it is very good incomparison. If someone wants impressive looking cables though, these are not it.