Silver vs Copper cables

I've been reading the forums and noticed a few comments that silver made ic's and speaker cables sound better with solid state equipment. Would this mean copper cables sound better with tubes? Why is this? Thanks.
Hi John,

I understand your points, and we may not be to far apart. I do not think it is right to say silver cables are bright or cause brightness; some may be but that's more of a design issue IMO.

It seems to me that Nordost cables are known to be a bit on the bright side, copper or silver, so I would agree to not using those cables in his system. I do believe there are silver cables that could be run in that system just fine. Now whether the gear and speakers are a mismatch causing issues, this I cannot attest to.

You had mentioned trying silver cables many times w/o success until a speaker change, I offer two things to think about. 1) The cables simply revealed "weaknesses" in your system, or maybe 2) not the best designed cables. I am not saying it has to be one or the other but rather some possibilities.

Correct me if wrong, but you are suggesting using cables as tone controls? If so, I suppose if one enjoys the results, no harm no foul.

You ask for suggestions, as can be seen from my system, I like Audio Note cables. Their AN-V can be purchased relativly cheap and I think it is very good incomparison. If someone wants impressive looking cables though, these are not it.
When we say manufacturer's top cables are usually silver I wonder if we're confusing cost with quality.
I figured someone may suggest this. Let me clarify my statement by saying it is usually marketed as their best cable.
Anyone who doesn't think that we are using cables as tone controls is kidding themselves. You may believe that silver cables are more transparent and reveal the faults in the equipment, as that's what many manufacturers would have you believe.
All cables impart their sonic signature into your system. Whether you like the cables sonic signature as it interacts with your equipment is up to you to decide. Copper warmer? Silver leaner? It only depends on your equipment and musical tastes.

Some companies may market silver as their top cable, an this may fool newbies. The fact is that silver is different, not necessarily better. Silver does cost more to source than copper, but in cableland, spending more money doesn't equate to better sound. It's more akin to chocolate or vanilla, which is your favorite flavor? To believe that one flavor is superior to the other is foolish. You're certainly able to say that you prefer one over the other, but to believe that your flavor is superior, or truer to the actual 'ice cream' would be silly.

I guess I am foolish and silly. (For the record, I don't care what the make up is, simply the results.)
Brianmgrarcom (and any others who have the expertise), You have referred to some folks using cables as tone controls as opposed to seeking something else, I assume you are referring to neutrallity and transparency/resolution.

Can you identify a set of cables that are neutral, transparent and don't get in the way of attainable resolution without regard to the speakers and the amps its to be used with. A benchmark, so to speak, with out regard to the application.

Don't get me wrong, I clearly hear differences between cables, silver and copper, but how much of the differences that I hear are due to synergy as opposed to something absolute in the construction of and materiel used in a cable which can be specifically identified.

And, if it is truly synergy, how can anyone draw any conclusion about the nature of a cable without knowing its application.

I'm so confused by all of this........