Mapleshade Speaker Cables

I just received a set of Maple Speaker Cable "Golden Helix" While heavy focal music such as Sade, Nora Jones sounded warmer and more detailed bands such as Earth Wind and Fire sounded very muted -terrible? The comarison was made with old monster cable that I rigged to bi-wire my VR4-jr in the meantine of buying speakers cables.

Any suggestions?

Thanks - Adolfo
Can't imagine why they would sound "muted" -- extraordinary clarity was a hallmark of these wires when I was using them. In fact, they made the biwired Kimber 8TCs they replaced sound very dull by comparison. Must be a system/synergy issue all right. Good luck, Dave


Not ever auditioned any of Nora Jones recordings, I can only comment on the other two artist, and their recorded material. All of the EW&F recordings are very muted compared to today's better recorded material. Even Sade, though better than EW&F, are muffled as well from early recording equipment.

At a minimum, take Diana Krall for a spin before making drastic cable changes. Close-miked recordings by Shirley Horn and Patricia Barber will also put a grin on your face.
I have both recordings you mentioned, your problems I beleive are indicative of the recordings and maybe not so much the cables.
I have not owned the Mapleshade speaker cables, but I do own their digital IC and some of their other products silclear, recordings etc. they seem great for the money! Could it be that the cables are showing the flaws in the recording's more than the Monster do. I did own the Monster 1.4 and switched to the Signal Shotgun and felt the Monster sounded flat and dull.
I would tend to agree. It is an unfortunate happenstance that, the better your equipment gets, the worse some recordings seem.

However, if you try great CDs (they don't have to be modern), especially some from the Mapleshade catalog (like John Cocuzzi's 'Swingin' and Burnin'), the Mapleshade speaker cables add sounds like the band is in the room. On classical piano and solo guitar, there is more of a bell-like aspect to many of the percussive and held notes. Also, some of the Mapleshade disc treatments bring additional clarity, namely the Mikrosmooth and Optrix, actually make a difference.

Best of luck in your pursuit of better sound!