how can a line cord affect frequency response ?

i have personally auditioned over 10 different manufacturer's line cords. i hear differences. i don;'t understand how a line cord can affect treble response or bass response.

can someone provide an explanation ?
Mrt, I did read your post and I understood what you wrote. Please re-read my post and correctly understand what I wrote. You simply asked for an explanation and I gave ours. I didn't say that cabling that provides coloration duties was an evil thing. While I understand the value of coloring the sound and some folks preference for components that do such, it's simply not my approach...that's all. It's a good thing there is more than one road to Euphoria since everyone's preference for the big "E" is a little different.

"perhaps i want to use cables to flavor the sound of a stereo system." Okay, good for you!

"your comments are unprofessional, and unfortunatively indicative of what's wrong with the high end industry." Sorry you feel that way. Some wonder why more manufacterers don't post more often. I don't. I anticipate almost every time I post I'm gonna get slugged for something. I could also say that your apparent inability to understand what's written and the overly suspicious attitude that draws off base conclusions is part of what's wrong with our society. I bet having a beer with you would be fun...really, no slam.

Cheers Friend.

Hi Cleo.

Thanks and you're welcome, glad you like Vol.II. I'm still kind of struggling with some of the selections.

Hi Wellfed.

The Z-der came out of our research of power cords. It basically re-clocks and corrects the relationship between the voltage and current that comes out of the wall. You're welcome to contact us directly if you'd like a more thorough explanation or a URL.

Sell, sell, sell! (what an antagonist I am) LOL!



Some time when I have a few grand to get rid of I will try out some different power cords. Til then I will stick to my belief that a properly designed power supply will produce DC without artifacts of the input AC power. There are many instances where physical characteristics are completely lost in a transitional state.
A simple analogy might be a river going over a waterfall. The smoothly flowing water below the falls shows no evidence of ripples above the falls. The river has been reconstituted from millions of droplets falling through the air, and has "lost its memory" of what happened above the falls.
let me clairify my statements robert, which are not personal.

i think that a forum should not be a venue for advertising or attempting to sell equipment.

there is another section for buying/selling equipment.
i believe that you advertise your products from time to time.

if you have heard products, in this case power cords, which to your ears affect the sound in a certain way why not mention them, especially if someone requests such information.

i'm not judging you, just observing the obvious conotations from your words
Hi Mrt.

if you have heard products, in this case power cords, which to your ears affect the sound in a certain way why not mention them, especially if someone requests such information.

You'll never see RSAD do that on the boards. I would suggest if you want opinions on how a particular product sounds, ask other users who enjoy those offerings or the manufacturer. Not ask one manufacturer to comment on a competitor's efforts on a public forum.

Kind Regards,