how can a line cord affect frequency response ?

i have personally auditioned over 10 different manufacturer's line cords. i hear differences. i don;'t understand how a line cord can affect treble response or bass response.

can someone provide an explanation ?
i have listened to robert's latest interconnect cable in my stereo system. i would say it is a decent silver cable.

i personally would not want to own it or recommend it to anyone else.
I can see where Mrtennis is coming from in this particular case. Robert's statement:
Almost all aftermarket cords suffer from power deliver characteristics that are not optimized and as such, most cords act as euphoric coloring devices.
would be reasonable if it came from an unbiased reviewer.

For a manufacturer of aftermarket cords to claim this in a public forum, with the implication that those cords that do not fall into this class include the ones that RSAD makes, is unreasonable.

If Robert is willing to provide more information to support his claim, I'd be delighted to consider his proposition.

Hi Mrt.

Your listening preferences stated HERE.

I would say the "P"!!! I/Cs are a great I/C that didn't meet your listening biases. Assuming you have listened to the "P"!!! I/Cs I would say this: Had you contacted us for your purchase instead of buying on the used market, I probably could have saved you some time and expense. Seeing what you prefer with your music playback, I would have been very hesitant to recommend our products to you. I've told people time and again that have contacted us that if they need cabling to sound a certain way, then by and large our offerings are going to be a crap shoot as to whether they'll work for a given set of ears. If one is looking for cabling that offers a least amount of editorial, then what we offer is going to be the ticket...says I anyway.

I point this out because too many times when a enthusiast doesn't like what a particular component brings to a music system, cables or otherwise, they tend to make comments like yours that insinuate the component isn't very good. Many times that's not the case at simply didn't meet your biases.

Kind Regards,
Post removed 
my response to robert has nothing to with line cords.

however, robert has made an assumption which is incorrect.

i did not buy his interconnect cable and his persistence at defending his product oin a forum which is clearly not commercial is inappropriate.

he should not be discussing his products in this forum.

if robert had not involved himself in a commercial discussion which belongs in another milieu, i would not have staryed from the topic.

i apologize for changing the subject, but i think it is important for manufacturers to avoid making statements about their wares in a forum such as this.