how can a line cord affect frequency response ?

i have personally auditioned over 10 different manufacturer's line cords. i hear differences. i don;'t understand how a line cord can affect treble response or bass response.

can someone provide an explanation ?
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my response to robert has nothing to with line cords.

however, robert has made an assumption which is incorrect.

i did not buy his interconnect cable and his persistence at defending his product oin a forum which is clearly not commercial is inappropriate.

he should not be discussing his products in this forum.

if robert had not involved himself in a commercial discussion which belongs in another milieu, i would not have staryed from the topic.

i apologize for changing the subject, but i think it is important for manufacturers to avoid making statements about their wares in a forum such as this.
robert raises an interesting point. perhaps i will start a thread on the subject of good versus bad components.

i din't say that an interconnect is a bad component. i said i would not own it and would not recommend it.

one cannot logically infer a statement of quality from a statement about ownership.

robert, you assume to me much and you have mis interpreted what i said.

its too bad we can't have a debate about this.

back to the main point . what is a good component ?

is it what i like and a bad component is what i don't like, or is there something more ?

if disliking a component is not the basis for evaluation of a component what is ?

is there a standard ?

let's relate this to a line cord.

if i place a line cord into my stereo system interfacing an amplifier and after break-in i don't like what is coming out of my speakers., at the least it is a bad line cord for my stereo system. it may have expensive parts, be constructed according to certain criteria, but it does not further my sonic preferences.

such a line cord would be producing negative sonic results.

i would consider it inferior for my purposes.
I hope our friendly audio manufacturers DON'T follow that advice.

Currently we have Bob Graham, Steve McCormack, Mike Elliott, Ralph Karsten and many other respected inventors, creators and manufacturers occasionally entering the Audiogon forums to answer our questions.

Who better knows these products than the people directly involved? I will grant you that Bob Graham probably favors his tonearm over others, same comment for amps regarding Ralph at Atma-Sphere. I would hope so, is all I can say.

Anyway, I have spoken to Robert at Ridge Street on several occasions and love his humor. I really know nothing about his cables but I am certainly not offended that he loves them, in fact I would expect nothing less unless he secretly believed he made a design error.

Most at Audiogon have their favorite brands, surely we can decide for ourselves what is valid data, especially when the writer comes forth and identifies himself as all those I mentioned have done.

I do not have any say about forum rules (fortunately), but if I did I would be encouraging more manufacturers to join in our discussions.

Just one mans opinion.
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