Without personally witnessing your comparison technique, no one really knows what you're hearing.
Look, there is only a tiny percentage of Agon readers with adequate electronics background qualified to give explanations on electronics theory, based on decades of engineering facts. Instead of gambling on subjective reader opinions, call a spectrum of reputable manufacturers that aren't MARKETING cords with their gear.
It's amazing how so many put all kinds of faith into aftermarket companies peddling endless claims (not limited to audio), but the actual component ENGINEER'S aren't given enough credit for their designs and requirements. It's in their best interest if it made a difference, right? Speaker cabling and IC's are another issue all together.
The power cord type, supplied with a $6k amplifier (example), was sellected based on the component's power requirements, and is what was utilized to obtain the amp's engineered specifications, THUS obtaining the audible results that so-called "Audiophile reviewer's" base their "positive" articles on. (An entire story of it's own)
The more you know about electronics/powersupplies, you'll begin to understand why alternate cord conductors will have no affect on the component's output FREQUENCY response. I'm always open for further education, but please base it on engineering facts, or post some reputable articles for all of us to read, and preferably un-biased.
It is well understood how/why humans can convince their senses into believing all kinds things, and is why placebo and advertizing (all industries) work so well.
Without personally witnessing your comparison technique, no one really knows what you're hearing.
Look, there is only a tiny percentage of Agon readers with adequate electronics background qualified to give explanations on electronics theory, based on decades of engineering facts. Instead of gambling on subjective reader opinions, call a spectrum of reputable manufacturers that aren't MARKETING cords with their gear.
It's amazing how so many put all kinds of faith into aftermarket companies peddling endless claims (not limited to audio), but the actual component ENGINEER'S aren't given enough credit for their designs and requirements. It's in their best interest if it made a difference, right? Speaker cabling and IC's are another issue all together.
The power cord type, supplied with a $6k amplifier (example), was sellected based on the component's power requirements, and is what was utilized to obtain the amp's engineered specifications, THUS obtaining the audible results that so-called "Audiophile reviewer's" base their "positive" articles on. (An entire story of it's own)
The more you know about electronics/powersupplies, you'll begin to understand why alternate cord conductors will have no affect on the component's output FREQUENCY response. I'm always open for further education, but please base it on engineering facts, or post some reputable articles for all of us to read, and preferably un-biased.
It is well understood how/why humans can convince their senses into believing all kinds things, and is why placebo and advertizing (all industries) work so well.