Best power cords in the $250-$400 range?

I am still running stock factory cords and am looking to upgrade.
My system:
Speakers: Proac Studio 200,Proac CC2,Definitive BPZ/A in-walls
Sub: Sunfire Architectural Signature
Front End CD: Denon 2910 Processor: Rotel 1066
Amp: Rotel 1095
Power Center: Monster 3600

What would you recommend for me getting started to hear the biggest positive impact for my DVD and Pre-amp? For my Amp? Should I put more $$ into any one cord? Should I upgrade my CD/DVD and spend less on cords? Hope this will start a good discussion.
I was always told to start with the amps ac cable first. Since all components work through that anyway. The better your amp is set up, the easier it will be to notice the improvements (and to what extent) made to other components.

Without purchasing new components, speaker wire and amp ac cords are the most cost effective way of getting substantial results one way or the other.
hi launche:

did your experience with the 3500 with amps include a softening of the highs and a more distant perspective ?

have you ever tried a hydra ?