Jumpers - How good do they really have to be?

I’m in the process of upgrading my speaker cables to Analysis Plus Solo Crystal’s. I’ve never bought into the bi-wire hype and the cables that I have purchased are single wire. Currently I’m using AP Oval 9’s with some “light-gauge” Kimber jumpers that were given to me. My thought is that I should buy the Solo Crystal jumpers (synergy and all that good stuff) but since jumpers very seldom if ever come up used on A’gon I would be buying new and the price of new Solo Crystal jumpers is about what I just paid used for the Solo Crystal cables. Somehow I just cannot get that past by pea brain. I’m not aware of any way to audition jumpers so I was hoping someone could give me some guidance

My question is how good do the jumpers really have to be? Speakers are Totem Mani 2’s. Can I get away with a lower priced AP jumper; say Oval 9’s or 12’s? Are my current jumpers ok. Or should I just bite the bullet and buy the Solo Crystal jumpers?

I concur with Newbee. Just look for simple jumpers that'll make decent contact between the binding posts, and "maybe" gold-plated for long-term corrosion concerns. Coming from someone who electronically measures circuits all day for a profession, exotic materials or otherwise, will have no affect on this application. Promise!
I agree with Newbee. I couldn't see justifying spending anything over $20 for a 6" set of jumpers. But I've been called worse things than cheap before.
Thanks everyone…I was away for a few days and was very pleasantly surprised when I got back to see the interest in this topic. Seems like we also have some differing opinions, which doesn’t surprise me at all!

I agree that a few inches of wiring would not appear to make a difference, that’s why I posted in the first place. But what I can tell you is that the Kimber jumpers that I’m currently using sound better than the factory jumpers. I definitely get better definition and balance with the Kimber’s. Actually what I found is that I get better balance by connecting the speaker cables diagonally, one to the high post and one to the low post and then jumping in opposite directions. Whether or not I would hear a difference between the Oval 12’s, 9’s or Solo Crystal jumpers, well that’s the question. And it’s really not about the money. In the total scheme of things, a hundred bucks one way or another really does not mean that much.

Marakanetz – If I understand you correctly you have removed the speaker wire connectors, stripped the speaker wire, and threaded the wire between the top and bottom WBT posts. Interesting…I never thought about that.

And yes Whart, changing the jumpers in and out from the factory to the Kimber’s was not subtle. If you or anyone else knows where I may be able to audition jumpers, I would really appreciate that info.

Philjolet – I’ve also thought about running two separate pairs of cables. Again, it’s not about the money but the results. I actually tried it already, but with two different types (brands) of cables, but it seemed to impact things in a negative way (the timing seemed to be off).

As it turn out the AP Solo Crystal cables that I thought I bought here on A’gon were sold out from under me so it looks like I have more time to ponder. Any other thoughts would be greatly appreciated.