Recommendation for interconnect and speaker cables

I'm trying to make my way through the choices of cables for my new system. I have a pair of Thiel 2.4 speakers, a Krell 300iL integrated amp and a couple of NAD components. I obviously want cabling that does not detract from the sound that these components will display, but I also want something that is fairly cost effective. Any thoughts out there? Thanks
Gregg Straley's cables. They beat cables that cost 3 times as much in my system as well as several other people I know.
Your system is of sufficient quality that I suggest you get cables that offer a high performance-to-price ratio. The Alpha-Core Goertz MI2 speaker cable would be my first recommendation to you, followed by the Kimber Kable 4TC.

For interconnects, I'd suggest any of the following (in ascending price): Kimber Hero; Nordost Blue Heaven; Synergistic Research Alpha Sterling.
consider elemental cable. i believe they have a favorable return policy.

with respect to the interconnect, i suggest you select bullet plugs instead of cardas connectors.
Shimdog, I would recommend that you add to your audition list Acoustic Zen's Matrix reference II and Satori speaker wire, both can be gotten at great prices used, and would sound great in your system.