Purist Audio, Venustas or Aqueous

I now have a Dominus powercord on my Gryphon Antileon and the Dominus digital between my krell dt10 and Ref64. Since I can't afford more dominus cables I will get me a Aqueous powercord for the drive and dac and one for my pre (krell krc-hr)
But I want more ! so I'm very much in doubt of interonnects and speakercable. I've read many reviews here but I can't make a choice between the Venustas and Aqueous. I do need 2 interconnect and a cable to my Avalon Ascendant. What I want:

Price between the to cables is not an issue
I do love a wide and open mid and high
I don't need any more slam or foundation in the bass

Is there someone who can advise me on this ? I've been talking to Jim several times now but I just can't get it clear.
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I've not had the chance to try out the Dominus power cords, but I have tried out numerous pc's on my Krell KRC-HR, so I thought you might be interested in this. By far and away the best pc I've mated with the KRC-HR is the Cardas Golden Reference. It totally opens up the soundstage in all dimensions and images within the stage are correctly sized and proportioned. Even much more expensive cords like the Kimber Palladian (PK-10?) and Aregento Powercord 1 just didnt seem to energise the music like the Cardas did. Before you lay down some big green for the Dominus, try out the Cardas.

Another comment I might add is that you may be very surprised by trying out a current generation CD player. I have the Krell SACD Standard now and it leaves the old generation Krells in the dust. I spent a long time and lots of money on cables (incl Purist Musaeus, Venustas, and currently the A.K. Limited) trying to squeeze the last drop of performance from my system. I replaced the old Krell 300CD with the SACD Standard, and wow! All the qualities that were incrementally improved by the cable changes were suddenly there in spades. Just something to think about...
Some more food for thought. I to have tried many of pc's ,
Interconnects , & SC's. To add to the last thread the Cardas
G.Ref. is a very nice pc & would do many of system justice & is worthy of one of the best.
But, in my system the Purist Dominus & Anniversary are my hands down favorite. If you can , I would recommend you try them in your system, you may be suprised.
As it goes, each system is different & everyone has an opinion.
Good luck in your search
Hi, very nice system, to be alike to my electronic ,
I m KPS-20 t, Reference64, two KBL dual mono & Krell 300S
My speakers is Sonus Faber, Extrema, Im to sell Purist in
My recomedation is Dominus IC or Aqueous IC , Im used one
Dominus for KBL y KSA300s and one Aqueous for DAC and Transport, my power cords is Purist20 Anniversary for KSA300S and Aqueous for Reference 64 I replaced is power cord, next week I coment to improve.
Good luck , plese to wait to ask