Lifting speaker cables

Does lifting the speaker cables off the carpeting really make a difference? I'd like your opinions before going through the process. Thanks, Matt.
Yes, lifting the speaker cables off the floor often times make a very audible improvement. But it's also like bi-wiring a speaker.

It has everything to do with the type of cable, the resolution of the system, the ears of the listener, the height of the lift, and perhaps the type of carpet.

Just because somebody does not hear a difference does not necessarily mean there are any shortcomings. But then again not hearing any audible improvements may have everything to do with one or more shortcomings.

I got rid of a hum when I lifted my Harmonic Tech Pro 9s off the carpet using ceramic cable isolators. I got no difference at all when I used the same lifters with signal cable brand products. Go figure!
FWIW since MT brought it up, many of the demo rooms at last weeks Stereophile show had their mondo cables neatly arranged on a variety of lifts. Of course this could just be the cable rep making sure his babies got in the spotlight...

Then of course there were the rooms that looked worse then my rack and the surrounding area...

I do it - had some fun on ebay collecting old ceramic isolators - but honestly I can't say I hear a difference. On the other hand I believe that a lot of this stuff is synergistic, and that lots of tiny details add up to a greater whole. Besides it puzzles the maid (who has learned to put the cables back on after she knocks them over) and the dog, who has not.
I agree lifting any cables makes a huge difference particularly in imaging and smoothness. My experience tells me not to lift cables more than about 1/4" to 1/2" off the ground otherwise you lose body. Also avoid contact with solid materials such as metal or wood; e.g. corners of cabinets, etc. as this can add hardness to the sound. Plastics are one of the best materials to use under cables. Styrofoam cups and plastic drink glasses are a cheap way to go. Ceramic materials tend to add a bit of hardness to the sound.