Musical Fidelity A5 CD-Player Powercord proposal


I have a Musical Fidelity A5 CDP and need recommendations on a Powercord! I have Great Success useing a Synergistic Research AC Master coupler Active on my Musical Fidelity A5 Amp.

So it the CDP lefth then, so any recommendations??

I was thinking about SR Resolution Reference AC coupler.
But it´s hard, no dealer where I live in Sweden.

So come on Brainstorm som recommendations!!

Best Regards

Shunyata VX cables can not be beat for digital gear, I believe. But, they are very pricey -- try a diamondback ($199USD new) & see if you like what you hear. You can always upgrade to a Taipan or Python from there.
If you have to go with a new PC, I'd also recommend the Shunyata Diamondback. I haven't had great luck with their 'heavier' PC's on any of my front-end gear though.
I've had great success with a VH Audio Flavor 4 on my Wadia 830. Another cable I'm really impressed with is the Black Sand Silver Reference (check Black Sand auctions here on Audiogon). Both Black Sand and VH Audio have evaluation periods -- definitely worth a try.