Power Cord for Ayre CX-7e ????

Just purchased a new CX-7e and I am already considering a good PC to go with it. I currently run a Audio Analysis "Power Oval" with my Krell amp. I have heard great things about the "Black Sands" reference power cord but as we all know some PC's work better with specific sources. Would be great to hear from owners of Ayre components that have experimented with PC's
Ayre recommends the Cardas Golden Reference or the one right under it. Ayre has an excellent power supply so I don't believe power cords will/nor should change things much.
Nickt seems happy with his change but one mans change is another mans evil! You'll just have to try. Of course, I think you're getting excellent sound as is.
Have any of you guys heard the CX-7e with the Richard Gray's PC?? My local Ayre dealer seems to really like the one that RG offers.
Hi David,

I have the Ayre CX-7e in my second system. It's a great value in it's price range. I have tried the Elrod Signature power cord with it as well as the Virtual Dynamics Master Series and the Nite II. I strongly preferred the Elrod Sig. with the Ayre. To my ears, it is more natural sounding, with a cleaner, clearer, more resolving and fuller sound. There is more weight to the presentation, and yet it has agility and openness. The leading edge on transients is more realistic, without an artificial edge. The bottom line: it was more involving. Brent Rainwater of Rainwater Audio got me into Elrod's Statement power cord for my primary system. I wanted to have some of the magic of the Statement in my second system; the Signature gives me a taste of it for a lot less money than the Statement or the VD Master Series. (I am not affiliated with the Elrod company.)

IMHO I believe that starting with a line conditioner is paramount even one as simple as the monster HTS 5100. If you believe that jamming an expensive cord into a wall outlet improves the quality then by all means go right ahead and do so. Just remember that a chain is as strong as it's weakest link.
If a 1/2" water pipe represents your AC outlet.

Now if a 3/4" pipe represents your aftermarket power cord, by connecting the 3/4 pipe to the 1/2 will only yeild the water of 1/2 pipe. It's smaller pipe and that's where the source comes from. Further more it's still the same quality water.

What you want to do is filter the source first just like you would filter water. That's what a line conditioner does. It filters the AC current coming out of the wall outlet.

So IMHO spend the extra $$ on a line conditioner first. Then if you want to try different cords from the conditioner to your equiptment it may make a differance.

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