Hello David,
Ayre is very clean stuff, therefor I wouldn't recommend you any line conditioner, they all make the sound more dirty and restricted. Only a good power cord directly plugged into the wall will do the job. The best power cords I'm aware of come from NBS, an internationally well regarded brand. With NBS you got the feeling of letting through the music. It lowers the noise floor dramatically, so they don't influence the signal, only leave out the bad things, noise etc..
Ever better: use a whole NBS system of the same type.
Ayre is very clean stuff, therefor I wouldn't recommend you any line conditioner, they all make the sound more dirty and restricted. Only a good power cord directly plugged into the wall will do the job. The best power cords I'm aware of come from NBS, an internationally well regarded brand. With NBS you got the feeling of letting through the music. It lowers the noise floor dramatically, so they don't influence the signal, only leave out the bad things, noise etc..
Ever better: use a whole NBS system of the same type.