Power Cord for Ayre CX-7e ????

Just purchased a new CX-7e and I am already considering a good PC to go with it. I currently run a Audio Analysis "Power Oval" with my Krell amp. I have heard great things about the "Black Sands" reference power cord but as we all know some PC's work better with specific sources. Would be great to hear from owners of Ayre components that have experimented with PC's
Hello David,
Ayre is very clean stuff, therefor I wouldn't recommend you any line conditioner, they all make the sound more dirty and restricted. Only a good power cord directly plugged into the wall will do the job. The best power cords I'm aware of come from NBS, an internationally well regarded brand. With NBS you got the feeling of letting through the music. It lowers the noise floor dramatically, so they don't influence the signal, only leave out the bad things, noise etc..
Ever better: use a whole NBS system of the same type.
"Ayre is very clean stuff, therefor I wouldn't recommend you any line conditioner, they all make the sound more dirty and restricted. Only a good power cord directly plugged into the wall will do the job."

Hi Mu6,

While it is true that some line conditioners may compromise the sonics in some audio systems, your statement needs some qualifiers. As noted in my post above, the Sound Application Reference Line Stage (RLS) conditioner improved the sonics in both my highly resolving primary system as well as my secondary system. (My secondary system includes the Ayre player.) Compared to going directly into the wall outlets of my dedicated AC lines, the RLS improved the whole spectrum of sound (cleaner, fuller, more natural, dynamic, extended, relaxed, musical, involving, and glare-free). These positive results held for all the power cords I had on hand including some of the finest (Elrod Statement and Signature, Virtual Dynamics Master Series and Night II, Purist Audio, and stock cords). You may want to try some of the better line conditioners that do not limit current to hear what they can (or can't) do in your own system. In particular, should you wish to try the RLS, it is available at several dealers, including Rainwater Audio. (I am not affiliated with the Sound Application company.)

Best Regards,
Hi John,
After your recommendation I quickly had a look at their web site and reviews. Very interesting (also very serious prices:-)) and would like to try some day, but I do not live on the american continent and I don't think SA sells over seas. But who know's?
I tried many conditioners in the past without good results, therefor I am a bit suspicious. But for now NBS cords work fine for me and no need for upgrade.
The Richard Grey "Power Conditioner" is really not a power conditioner in the sense that Moster and others are. It is a big choke used as an isolation transformer. It will help clean up the power without imposing any limitations on it.
When I had my Ayre stuff, it definitely created a better sonic picture without altering the basic existing sound.
The Richard Grey power cords are excellent.
In my system, Richard Grey was the very worst thing that ever happened to it. I was told that it has to break in to sound it's best, however, after 6 months when I removed them and went directly into the wall, and the sound opened up and became 3 dimensional again, I quickly sold the R/G stuff on Audiogon. I had 2 of them, when I used 1 the system sounded better, when I removed both it was a revelation. Try before you buy!!