Nordost Red Dawn with less brightness?

What will sound like Nordost Red Dawn with a tad less brightness?
I have almost reached the preferred sound, and the only component left is interconnects between DAC and pre-amp.
I have tried Nordost Red Dawn in this place and what I liked was very believable soundstage, impression of space and imaging. What I did not like is somewhat edgy, bright sound.
Has anyone had any experience with interconnects that have the same signature as Red Dawn but with a bit less of brightness? The soundstage cannot be compromised, I am soundstage freak.
And imaging must remain good, cannot have screwed-up timing, for example cymbals emanating from tweeters while drums are way back and center.
Anything in a range of up to 500.00, used or new?
Has anyone compared AZ Silver Reference II, AZ Matrix Reference II, Nordost Red Dawn and Magnan Vi?
I am familiar with all but Magnan.
Is this one worth looking into?
It seems Magnan has radically different design, high impedance, and may be a good choice to connect source to pre-amp?
I own both Frey and RSA cables. I used to own red dawn. Frey would fit your description. RSA is also excellent but further away to your description
Since you liked the other Nordost characteristics (as do I), any of the other Nordost offerings above Red Dawn would do nicely. e.g. SPM and higher. I went to SPM from RD and the improvement was in all categories, but particularly mininimal "brightness" and substantially improved bass. Frey (which you can get discounted) was about the same as SPM, maybe a touch better.
I think in the end I will go with Red Dawn and tame it with other type of IC up in the chain.
SPM somehow did not work well for me.