Matching digital input impedance of dac with cable

Is this important? The input impedance of the dac i am considering is 75 ohm. I want to use cables with an impedance of 110 ohm. Is this a problem? Can someone please explain why matching or why not matching these impedances is important?

Thank you
Since we're on the subject, I've seen DACs with 75 ohm inputs & others with 110 ohm inputs. Is there a performance difference between the two other than the 110 ohm input is easier to drive for a transport?
yes, there's a difference in the way the digital data packets are arranged, which doesn't have any effects on audio performance that I'm aware of. Plus the 110 ohm connection is balanced, which should offer an advantage, but then you have to consider the extra difficulty involved in creating a balanced (3 wire) cable with excellent performance characteristics.
Sorry you asked? :)
A balanced connection is no guarantee of better performance. The transmitting and receiving chips for balanced and unbalanced connections are not identical in every machine. Therefore the only way to determine which cable is best for your application is to audition them.
Good luck.
Tplavas & Audiofeil,
Thank you for the information. There is no such thing as too information until it starts to get confusing.....

I currently have a Classe CDT-1 transport connected to a Krell Showcase Surround Preamp/Processor via a Monster 600 digital cable; I'm using the Krell's on-board DAC. At times & with less than great recordings, it sounds abit edgy. Does anyone have suggestions on a good digital cable < $300? Any experiences with active cables vs. standard?

To answer one of your questions, I have recently auditioned the Audioquest Eagle Eye with 72V DBS, and it is very, very, good. But definitely on the revealing side of neutral, so I'm not sure if it's the answer, given your problem with edginess with the Krell DAC. I haven't auditioned the latest version of Synergistic Research Active digital, but the first X versions left me unimpressed with their colored midrange. Perhaps others could give suggestions for a good cable that's more forgiving up-top.