Valhalla spkr cable good match Pass and Legacy ?

I have noticed alot of the reviewers use the Nordost Valhalla speaker cables to audtion new equipment.
I have also read that along with all the accloades on that cable that the the Valhalla can sound lean in the bass and the midrange with certain equipment match ups.

There is know where that I know where I can audtion these cables with my equipment(except for the Cable co and I prefer not) and they are rather expensive to purchase even used.

So, I need some help, I own a Pass Labs X350.5 Amp in which I think has a warm sound and a Legacy Focus speakers where again these are not lean sounding , will a Valhalla speaker cable be a thumbs up or a thumbs down with my combo?
Teajay, Jwpstayman,
Thank you Gents for the kind Help. I will persue all the recomendations.
I just cant understand why so many reviewers, review equipment with them.
Ozzy, I owned Legacy Focus speakers at one time and enjoyed them very much. In the process of upgrading I auditioned 7 or 8 brands of speaker wire and IC's including Nordost. I agree with the comments regarding a lean/analytical bent to the Valhalla tho to a much lesser extent than their other less expensive wires. To make a long story short, I ended up with Silversmith silver speaker and IC's. They sounded the most like music to me without sounding etched or lean. They also had the added benefit of being cheaper than the Nordost,Purist,Tara labs I also listened to(tho not by alot). Unfortunately, I haven't owned the Pass Labs amps but did own an SS amp known to be slightly warm like the Pass(OCM-Belles). Hope this helps and enjoy listening.
I have Legacy Focus 20/20s as my rear speakers now (replaced by WHispers in front) with a McCormack DNA-500 amp. When they were front speakers, the best cables I found were from Virtual Dynamics - after break-in they were amazing. Since the Focii are now rears and used only for movies, I no longer require that level of cable to them. The VD's continue to shine even more strongly with my Whispers.

Tried Valhalla and would agree with prior comments - no bottom end in the system. My VDs provide all the speed, etc of the Valhallas with the most balanced, accurate yet musical presentation I have ever heard out of my system.

Good luck!
People have to use the properties of cables and equipment. When you have the possibillity to try many cables so you can compare them you now what they can do. I always judge a cable or part of the rest of a system what it does. I use Valhalla loudspeakercables for many years now. It is not a cable what is harsh. When you use it well you will have a resolution you never heard before. I say to people just take your favorite cd's with you and listen. People hear so many new things that they are impressed. But is all Valhalla in a system a good choice? Is it the synergy what brings a system to a higher level. never will. Why? Because it misses important properties other cabels have. Other example? Many of my audio friends used the Cardass Golden ref speakercable because it has a musical "warm" sound. When we compared the Valhalla with the Cardas, the people who play and played with the Cardas where stunned how much more resolution the Valhalla had and how much better the sound was in the mid freq. Totally uncoloured and not harsh at all. As the would have expected. So look for a demo and listen with your own ears. And then you know what it does. it is not interesting what people think or say. They cannot listen with your ears and with your system in your room.

Good luck and I wish you all the best,

I have a lot of knowledge of many cable, because I listen to them in many systems. So also with Nordost products. A Valhalla sounds so much more ease and relax than cheaper nordost products. So people never can compare the cheaper ones with the Valhalla. It is from another plannet.