Telling Left from Right on unlabeled RCA cables

The gray RCA phone plugs coming out of the back of my turntable have no color labeling and no L or R on them. On one the "head" is about 3/8" longer. So which one is the left channel and which is the right channel to plug into the back of my amplifier?

Thank you!
one test for that is, if to have the same music on CD and a LP. Pick a disc that has definate info for the left or right channel, such as the stand up bass coming from the left speaker, or a vocalist singing on one side or the other. Then play the album and match it.
i have a suggestion.

select an lp from your collection which has a passage coming out of the left or right speaker.

interface the longer connector with the left channel.
listen. if channels are correct, put a peace of masking tape labeled "left" onto the connector. if channels are reversed, place tape with "right" on the longer connector.
Get the Sterophile Test CD which has a speaker channel orientation track. It will take you 10 seconds to fugure it.