Which cable is most important to spend money on...

Speaker cable, source interconnect or power cords?

I'm trying to figure out which tends to be the most important to upgrade for a high-end system. I know, I know, ideally all of them. But in which order?

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It is not important nor wise to spend serious amounts of money on cables of any sort until you've got the fundamentals (source components, amps, speakers, etc) of your system down. In the interim there are any number of sub $100 interconnects and equally low cost speaker cables and power cords that will more than suffice. As you can tell from the above discussions, once you get past the initial stuff nobody really knows which is most important. There are numerous opinions, but it's really one of those questions that doesn't have a correct answer.
Sorry if my post came off as unkind...
Na...I didn't take it as "unkind". Just a bit careless.
...It was not my intention.
I know.
...I never said RSAD cabling sucks. In fact, I believe just the opposite.
I know. Hmmm...so you believe RSAD cabling skcus? I don't even know what the hell that means!

Onward to the thread topic....

