Transparent Ref MM spkr cbls- How do they compare?

I have never had the opportunity to try Transparent or MIT cables for that matter . I have seen pictures a while back of the insides of the networks that turned me away from considering them.

But,the phrase dont judge a book by its cover maybe applies to the the insides of the network so I want to remain open minded.

So many names in there product lines that sound the same! The used market is even more confusing , with repeating different names at different levels in the line ups.

The newer version with MM tech (whatever that is) is supposed to be better than the older version with XL tech (whatever that is)

The Reference with MM are near the same price range as $$$ Purist Dominus, Nordost Valhalla , Prana, Synergistic, Kimber Select, Stereovox etc speaker cables.

*Should I consider the Transparent as competition to the cables I just mentioned in my quest to find Speaker cables?

*Are they dynamic?

*How about the soundstage?

*The frequency extremes, is the bass tight and deep or sloppy? High frequencyies extended and airy ?

Lots of questions , any help will be appreciated.
Ozzy, are you talking abot Reference w/MM technology or the real Reference MM. Two different cables at two diff price points.
Wow! I am very confused. Thanks .
When I see Transparent used cables I cant tell if its a good price or not.
Your reply confirms what a mess there labeling is.
Please also consider the NBS Black Label speaker cable. When you're system is ready for it then this will be your last step. What this cable does is just let you hear better what you're electronics are doing. If you have the opportunity to try don't hasitate.
i have some Transparent Audio speaker cable experience.

from 1997 till 2000 Reference XL speaker cable and interconnects were my reference. then i heard the Opus MM speaker cable and after considerable search for a lower cost alternative i did purchase the Opus speaker cable. over the last 6 years i have compared quite a few other speaker cables to the Opus and none have yet equaled them in my system. in fact; last fall i bought a second set of Opus MM speaker cables for bi-amping.

the closest i have heard to the Opus MM is the Reference MM (not Reference with MM). i cannot comment on the lower priced Transparent speaker cables; but i have not heard anything that compares to the Opus or Reference MM.

both the Opus and Reference MM are more neutral and dynamic than any other speaker cables i have heard; they have an amazing openness and high frequency extention that is addicting. what they do for low frequencies must be heard to be believed. the articulation and tonality in the bass is unique. as my speakers are flat to 15hz this aspect of their performance yields great dividends.

my understanding is that these speaker cables deal with smoothing out impedence differences at different frequencies to allow that coherence and also deal with resonance better than other speaker cables.

to be fair i have not done many comparisons in the last couple of years. there may be other competitive brands. OTOH my knowledge of how the Transparent works tells me it continues to be singularly superior.
I have also good experiences with some Transparent cables with good results, never tried the Opus MM unfortunately. Looking at it's price level and their reputation as a very serious cable manufacturer you should also give this one a try. I have the same feeling about the NBS BL what Mikelavigne said about the Opus MM. Serious cables in this class are extremely well organized in many and some unique areas. I would say try both and choose with your heart.(sorry about my English, it's not my native language).