RidgeStreetAudio Poiema 3 IC'S?

Anyone tried these and what are your impressions? Thanks!
I'm glad you are enjoying the RSAD cables, they are great. Wait until you hear the P3 Sig power cords! I still have a couple of 'em myself, very nice. The gent's name is Robert Schulte though, not Richard. You are correct though, he is one of the 'good guys' that make this hobby fun.

BTW, I would be interested in hearing about your impressions of the Z-der block w/ and w/o the P3 Sig power cords. I thought about them, but sometimes I think I have too many 'tweaks'.

I knew that his name is Robert, I guess I should have proof read better (his last name does not have an e in it either). I have taken up quite a bit of his time, with which he is extremely generous. I had just got off the phone with my sister and we were talking about her husband Richard. For some reason, I had that locked in my head. For that Robert, I apologize.
I will let you know the results after I get the cord. It is a couple of weeks away right now. ROBERT's philosophy on power delivery is very interesting and makes alot of sense. If the Poiema signature power cord is like everything else of his that I own, I am sure I will be satisfied. To paraphrase ROBERT from one of our phone conversations, "anticipation is half the fun of upgrading". I whole heartedly agree.
I'd like to chime in. I own and use Poiema 3 balanced ICs and they have bested every previous ICs I've every owned. I've owned Harmonic Tech truthlink, Analysis Plus (don't recall the model), Grovers, and a few others I can't think of. The Ridge Street are just in a whole other league. Since I purchased the IC's from Robert, I have purchased the Poiema 3 Signature P/C, and the Poima 3 Sig. speaker cables. They have all made a wonderful improvement in my system. And Robert is a great guy to deal with. He takes high end audio very seriously and stands behind his products. I would highly recommend anyone to at the very least audition his cables in your own system. Robert offers a trial period (I think it's 45 days), which is plenty of time to listen for yourself.
I also was able to compare the balanced RSAD Poima !!! Signature and the balanced Purist Aqueous Anniversary I/C's in my system yesterday. These were the same pairs that RhythmAce4218 (Darrin) compared above. My conclusions were very similar to Darrin's.

Both I/C's are very good. The Aqueous appeared to be quieter and darker sounding overall; however, here is where my subjective impressions are hard to describe. To me it seemed that the Aqueous inhibited some of the signal to achieve this and as a result, the air around instruments and the ambience from the recording space were reduced. To me this is a coloration.

The Poima !!! Signature, on the other hand, passed more information along in a very natural way...when present on the recording, the hall was "energized", instruments were more naturally portrayed in real space, and nuanced detail was very acccessible. The Poima !!! Signature did NOT sound noisy...far from it. The Aqueous just made everything more darker and the silences "blacker", even when that did not sound natural.

Keep in mind that both of these I/C's are very good, but in my system I found myself drawn to the Poima !!! Signatures and after the initial few A/B's, wanted to leave them in and just listen to music through them...which I did for several more hours. I will certainly be considering RSAD cables in the near future.

I used these I/C's between my Esoteric UX-3 (with Statement mod from Steve Huntley) and my BAT VK51SE linestage. Other components were 7m of Purist Audio Design Museaus balanced I/C from preamp to Atma-Sphere MA1 Mk II.3 power amps, Magnepan MG3.6R speakers connected by 2m doubled up pairs of PAD Museaus speaker cable. Chris Venhaus Flavor 4 PC's were used on amps and preamp. Electraglide Mini-Khan PC to the Esoteric.

I promised a follow up once I got the Poiema!!! Signature power cord and it came in over the weekend. I used it to replace a PS Audio Extreme Statement and the difference is not subtle. I hate trying to describe this type of thing in audiophile terms so I will just say that the music sounds MUCH MORE like music and less like electronics. Every cable I've bought from Robert does this same thing but none of them as much so as the P3 Sig power cable. One is really drawn into the recording with these cables. It is really difficult to imagine these cables not sounding very good to stellar regardless of the system they are installed in. They tell it like it is; nothing more, nothing less.
To respond to John's question about the Z-der block after my last post, it really works quite well. Robert's theory on power delivery is to correct the power factor of the electricity coming from your wall outlet. Power factor is the delay between the voltage and current of the supplied AC. The Z-der block and all of his power cords are designed to reclock the voltage/ current relationship. Put a Z-der block in series with the P3 Sig power cord and it takes it to another level. It also works well with other power cords.
I talked with Robert today and I am about 90% sure that I am going to buy a pair of his Alethias power cords for my power amps. Every thing he has said about his products has been right on the mark. My system has never sounded so good and I am looking forward to it sounding even better. If I do purchase the Alethias cords I will post the results on a new thread.