Audioquest Sky/Evrest or Purist Dominus/Anniversar

I have for the moment cables for my systems: Audioquest Sky interconnect Balance and Evrest Speakers cables and Power cables Elrod Satement.

I have envie to update to the Purist Audio: Dominus ferox or 20th Anniversary Interconnects/Speakers & Power Cord ?. Any comment or recommendation for this crazy and expensive decision ?.

Thank you.

I can tell you some of MY experiences in MY system........... I had the AUdioquest SKY XLR's between my CD and preamp. I have Purist Venustas pretty much everywhere else. I auditioned from the Cable Co. Purist Auqeus Aniversary, Cardas Neutral ref, and another pair of Purist Venustas.

To make a long story short I greatly preferred the Venustas to all the other cables. The Sky were my second choice, but they didn't have as good tonality as Venustas. On initial listening I thought they had more resolution, but the more I listened the more I noticed the Venustas had as much (or more) resolution but didn't sound spot lit on top............. From most accounts the Dominus sounds even better than Venustas (I can't aford them myself)....... Like they always say though............... YMMV.

I have used Audioquest Sky ( and others ) in the past, good cables. But, in MY system Purist has been the best by FAR. Yes, they are expensive, but you do get what your paying for . Using Anniversary Interconnects & Dominus Speaker Cables. Power Cords are a combo of both Anniv. & Dominus.
IMHO I think it should be a major upgrade.
Good luck