My system is bright? I need help. thanks

Hi. it is my first time here in this forum. i would appreciate input and help from all of you. No sacrasm or bad langauge please. I had bad experience with other forums in that aspect. music loving people and audiophiles should be an elite, high caliber and classy community. This is rare to find today. Ok Down to the point.

My system
Musical fidelity kw 500 sacd player. I use the tube output.
Musical fidelity kw 500 integrated amp.
speakers:eggleston andra (not andra 2)
speaker cable: satori acoustic zen
interconnects: Nordost baldur and nordost quatrofil RCA
USe a dedicated 20 amp line with regular power cords(came with the gear) and a panamax 20 amp surge protector and filter.

This is in my family room so there is little room for treatment and moving things around.

problem: bright. the highs are killing my ears, after 1-2 hours of listening my ears start to hurt,sometimes 3 minutes. I have to turn the volume down. I tried postioning, it got a little better. I will try acoustic zen silver ref II may be it will help. The sound is otherwise phenomenal, i could be happy with more bass, but overall it is very good. Depth, tranparency, acuity and soundstaging are great. As for mids, i can see the person infront of me,I can hear the articulation of the tongue in the mouth before the words and tunes comes out. no kidding, but not for long because of fatigue.

I would really appreciate your input.
Can you describe the room .. carpets, windows, furnishing, position of speakers ?
One of the thing biggest things that can cause excessive brightness, other than component selection/synergy is the speakers radiation pattern. Speakers which have a broad dispersion pattern can suffer from 1st reflection point induced distortion which can cause fatigue. Toeing them in helps with some speakers BUT many speakers are hot when you listen on, or close to on, axis. You clear up the 1st reflection distortion quite a bit, but then the speaker becomes 'bright'.

A potential solution for this exists with very little if any down side and should work with your speakers. Try rotating your speakers inward until the axis of the speakers (draw an imaginary perpendicular line from the tweeter) cross a couple of feet in front of your head and see what happens.

You've probably eliminated side wall reflections and your listening to the tweeters output at a reduced level (actually its at about the same level as if it were pointed straight ahead, as so many manufacturers of high resolution speakers recommend.

Try it, if it doesn't work (or it looks too odd) then you can move on to other solutions. There are other benefits to this type of toe in and very few, if any drawbacks. Best of all it costs zip and takes about one minute to try!
Try some Cardas Golden Reference interconnects in place of your Nordost. I'm not familiar with your AZ satori speaker cables, but Nordost cables are extremely revealing, and can sound bright and thin in the wrong system. The Cardas GR is the polar opposite, extremely musical, not the last word in transparency, but should be a big improvement in your system.

Note, I do not advocate using cables as tone controls, but it would be much less expensive than changing around your other equipment, and just about as effective.

Well I don't consider myself as elite and hope I am never considered as such. No matter what group of people you are talking about, there will always be bad seeds.

I would assume that is it room issues but, haven't heard your speakers or any from that manufacturer. I have heard the other equipment in your system, not the exact models, and never found them to be overly bright.

Answer the questions presented by Sean and I think we will be able to help you out.
Scientist73, I would recommend you not only try the wonderful Acoustic Zen Silver reference II, but you might also audition the Acoustic Zen Matrix reference II which offers a "warmer" sonic signature then the all silver cable.

Said with respect, I'm no fan of Nordost cables which I have auditioned in my own system and have always found them unpleasant and quite over rated.

I have a review here on the GON on the Acoustic Zen Absolute wires that you might find helpful. Good luck in your auditioning process.