I stumbled across a very curious phenomena pertaining to cable dielectric at work the other day. Nobody that i have discussed the matter with can explain what is happening, yet they have seen the very easily measured and duplicated results that i'm obtaining and can't deny them.
I have ideas as to what is causing this curious phenomena, but don't want to speak up about this as of yet. I will say that what i'm seeing tends to make me believe that dielectrics, which aren't supposed to conduct, have a polarity / directionality to them i.e. they conduct better in one direction than in another.
I know that some companies already have cabling on the market that supposedly deals with this subject, but i don't think that they fully understand exactly what is going on here. I just hope that Clark Johnsen doesn't see this. Something about polarity based issues tends to get him in all worked up : ) Sean
I have ideas as to what is causing this curious phenomena, but don't want to speak up about this as of yet. I will say that what i'm seeing tends to make me believe that dielectrics, which aren't supposed to conduct, have a polarity / directionality to them i.e. they conduct better in one direction than in another.
I know that some companies already have cabling on the market that supposedly deals with this subject, but i don't think that they fully understand exactly what is going on here. I just hope that Clark Johnsen doesn't see this. Something about polarity based issues tends to get him in all worked up : ) Sean