question on pwr cords

Does the length of a power cord impact sound quality greatly? Obviously analogue interconnect, especialy when single ended and speaker cable do....the reason is due to my lack of outlets and positioning of equipment considering ordering a custom length power cord for a pwr amp.

In addition if I want a less obstrusive, less thick pwr cord, what would u recommend? Cost is less of an issue. Crystal ultra?
And while we're on the subject of OEM PCs, most of them aren't that bad. For one thing, the conductors are WELDED to the plugs before the molded casing goes on, so it's a great connection, but usually they are about one or two conductor sizes too small for my taste.

The second problem is that they are (generally) unshielded; although in defense of the manufacturer, let me explain that if they WERE shielded, the shield would have to be connected to the ground pin of the plugs AT EACH END! Otherwise, the manufacturer couldn't get UL Approval on his product. If the shield IS connected at BOTH ends, guess what?? You have a giant ground loop!! So even though all digital equipment (DACs, processors, CDPs) should be supplied with shielded power cords to keep them from radiating digital RFI (hash) into the air, they usually aren't, and so OEM cords on that kind of equipment should always be replaced IMO with PCs that have a "floating" shield (only connected to the ground pin at the AC plug end.)

For the DIY inclined, if you got a shielded OEM cord with your digital equipment (it'll say so on the jacket), then do this: cut off the IEC connector and strip back the jacket AND THE SHIELD an inch or so. Slide some matching black shrink tubing over it and connect the conductors to a new IEC plug of good quality. Voila! You have an OEM PC with a floating shield!
Please forgive my ignorance, but, shouldn't that 3 prong power cord that has the ground attached at both ends be draining that to the outlet?
Unsound, your question isn't quite clear to me. All three conductors in a power cord are connected to the plug at each end. One to hot, one to neutral and one to ground. If, in addition, the cord has a shield (usually a metal "braided tube" right under the outer jacket and surrounding the three conductors) it will capture any stray RFI in the air and drain "it" to ground, by connecting the shield to the ground pin of the AC plug.

As long as the shield is ONLY connected at ONE END (the ground pin of the AC plug) it cannot conduct any current (like from one end of the cord to the other.) If however, it's connected to the ground pin of the IEC plug as well, then you have two separate but connected "wires" (the shield-wire, and the ground conductor-wire) connected together at each end of the PC. If you draw a diagram of this, it's what's called (in circuit terminology) a loop -- in this case a "ground" loop. It can then act as an antenna that will pick up electromagnetic radiation (mostly 60 cycle AC from the cord itself, or other nearby sources of AC) and you get devilish hum.

Some PCs (like Cardas for instance) employ a double floating shield. There are two concentric shields (insulated from each other) and one is connected to the AC plug ground pin (only), and the other is connected to the IEC ground pin (only) and I guess that's about as good as it gets ;--)

I can hear the difference between a 1.5 and 2 meter power cable of the same type, and so can you, if you'd try it.

Also Nsgarch, not all CDP's and DACS sound better with 10awg or heavier PC's. Some, maybe even most, do, but not all. A friend has a modded Sony SACD player that sounds best with 11-12 awg PC's. I've also owned some DSP units that only sounded 'right' with their original PC's, which were only 16 awg. Why? I wish I knew for sure. :)
I am looking at about 9ft required (from current 3ft) as a reuslt of set chg so I guess that length expansion in itself will not be an issue.

On the unobtrusive....I have heard the Crystal Ultra interconnects and despite being very thin, they sound very impressive indeed...guess pwr cords are different? Did notice the do produce a thinnish looking pwr cord which they term reference so was interested...aslo aren't Nordost's Valahalla pwr cords less obstrusive than the norm? Also, Jena labs cable?

I currently use Shunyata, and I do like them but they are big pythons that are creating a bit of WAF issues...