Applications for Shunyata Hydra ?

New to powerconditioners. Did some research thru friends and dealers and the shunyata Hydra seems to get a popular vote.
My question is, considering the Guardian and the Hydra series. the price of the hydra seems to be double over the guardian series. Is the difference well worth it ?

If to use hydra /guardian, which of the components are best plugged in there ? I have a cd player, pre-amp and a power amp.

I also read that hydra/guardian has to be used with the shunyata 20 amp powercords. Which model of their 20 amp cord is best place to begin ? and does it make a whole lot difference using the higher model up which can cost as much or more than the hydra unit itself. Also if i already have some aftermarket power cord (other brands that are used in my components ) would it be compatible with the hydra ? ex. PS Audio powercord from cd player plugged into hydra 8 ?

Last but not least, what are the improvements expected from using hydra/guardian ?

Thank you for inputs.

I have a Hydra 2 and I am tickled to death with the performance on my amp. I borrowed a Hydra 4 before buying this one and one at a time I plugged the preamp and CD player into the Hydra 4. I did not like the sources plugged into it. Only the amp. I had better results with the Ultimate Outlet for sources. The Hydra needs a good PC for ultimate results. I am using a Taipan Alpha.
Just my experience.
Try a PS Audio regenerated power supply if you do not have dedicated outlets. There is much information on their products here.
If you're not stuck on Hydra, check Audio Magic's line. I'm a big fan. I owned a Hydra as well, but I preferred the AM more...
Hi Ho!

Lak thanx 4 the link I also checked out your system and the thread that goes with it.. Your philosopy of the power plant enabling the true potential of a system rings true. As I am sure your music rings as well! A Beautiful Thing ! Something to Aspire to as well

As a minimum to start I will run two dedicated lines from my power panel up to two porter ports. I am not sure if I need a sub panel, do you have that because of your 240/120 isolation transformers. Would you say that the transformers are the first piece of the puzzel. Homer on the system thread asked

What gauge wires go out of your sub-panel and what's the reason for feeding 220V into your Isolation Transformers? Doesn't that make them "work" to step down for nothing?

I have been experimenting with 120v vs. 220v to 120v. I'll get back to you and let you know.

Could you share the results of your experiment. If the sub panel is a function of the isolation transformers and creates a audible dividend I may go this route.

In the Power Plant picture the main panel out buses into the isolation transformers and into the sub panel look huge. What spec are you using there? is the sub the left panel?

Again i am amazed at the wealth of quality advice and the attention to detail and generousity of the members here at Audiogon

Thanks Lak - Warren - Tvad - Toli and all the other generous philes hanging on these boards. Thank You Everyone!

Genuine Regards


Listening to

Arthur Rubinstein The Chopin Collection - The Sonatas-#3 in B Minor Op 58
Manhatten Center NYC 1961 RCA Digitally Remastered Analog Masters
RCA Red Seal APL 3- 5460 STEREO

Sorry for taking so long to answer in this thread, busy time of the year because of the holidays and semester exam time.

The main panel is on the right and the sub panel is on the left.

Although it’s been a long time since I posted about 120 vs. 220, I’ve been so busy working around the house, inside and out, I have not made the time to experiment from my main panel in 120 to my isolation transformers and the to my sub panel (all in 120).

My thought is only use a subpanal if your main panel is full or you want to install a sub panel a lot closer to your system to save cost on wire and work.

I think if you have a long run from the main panel to isolation transformer and sub panel there could be benefits to a 220 run.

Wire size is dictated by legal wire code etc.