Purist, Legenburg or K-S?

My new W/P 8's make my Cardas GR sound somewhat reticent.
I would like something a bit more engaging.
I lean toward uniform cabling througout the system.
I have had favorable but limited experiences with each of these contenders and would appreciate any other considered opinions.
I will pony up the necessary spark, BUT:
I am unwilling to become a dealer to support my habit.
Hi Khrys, I have WP 6.0's. In the last 4 years that I've owned, I've gone from Cardas Golden Ref inc and speaker cable to all Transparent Ref w XL Inct and speaker and have now settled on Purist. I have a mixture of Purist Venestas and Opis Interconnect, Dominus with Ferrox speaker cables and all Dominus power cables (some fluid and some ferrox).

All of these cables are good. I've heard the WP 8's and my dealer and I'm just little jealous of your new speakers!

From my experience, and my system, I'd give the Purist line a audition. When I had my system completely wired with Transparent, I tried just one Purist interconnect (Venustas) Evertying soon switched over after that.

I personally think the Cardas, when taken as a whole (Inc,speaker, and power) is a hard to beat combo for price. The Transparent did better it, for a price. The Purist just took my whole system to a new level for me.

Good luck ! Just my 2 cents...
read my review of the legenburg cables on audiophilia.com .

the review may be in the archives section, or under the heading "recent reviews" . incidentally i have 2 power cords which i would consider selling, if you are interested.
I second Purist. Also read my last post on this thread:

Many thanks for you input. It seems that Purist is highly regarded but do I need to spring for Dominus to obtain "the magic"? I have also heard that Kubala-Sosna excels with SS while Purist prefers tubes. Any confirmation there?

Nsgarch, I have no experience with Harmonic Tech. How would it compare to the other 3 cables?
Khrys -- I haven't found a used Dominus spkr cable at a price I can afford either, so I'm using Venustas. I think any of my top three choices are flat neutral products, and will provide the resolution your system can generate without coloration. So, for instance, I could understand a statement like "tubes prefer Purist" but not "Purist prefers tubes";--)

I haven't heard the dart amp, but like my ML 23.5 and a couple of other SS amps, I'm sure it breaks out of the typical SS mold in terms of smoothness but without the euphonic warmth most tube amps exhibit. I'm not going to get into the tube/SS debate here, except to say that the best examples of each can provide "live" sound -- except that with SS, it costs more to get there.

I don't know about Kobala product except they have a lot of fans (but so do Nordost and Kimber) so you'd have to A-B them against one of the top three and decide. Harmonic Tech makes an excellent product, but unlike Siltech and Purist, you'd have to buy their most expensive model, because the number two and three models don't share the magic.

All that said, unless you are able to audition used (i.e. well broken-in) speaker cable, you'll have no idea how much (usually) better they will get, or how long it will take. Even my top three won't sound that great out of the box (although way better compared to most ;--) so it's really tough to keep things "apples-to-apples" a factor audiophiles and audio reviewers forget to consider. Basically, unless (any kind of) cable is well used and/or "cooked", I'm not interested in what anybody, including ME, thinks about its performance ;--)