Silver IC's for tubed preamp/monoblocks

Hi guys!
I just bought a Kavent (Shengya/Vincent OEM) tubed preamp that I'm hooking up to a pair of Kavent hybrid monos and I want to upgrade to silver ICs.

I'm considering the following:
- Guerrilla Audio
- Signal Cable
- Element Cable

Do you have any recommendations among these 3 (or any reasonably priced IC)? I'm planning to upgrade power cords later on, as well. But meanwhile, any comments on the ICs is appreciated. Thanks!
Quicksilver Audio makes some very nice, reasonably priced silver IC's. I've enjoyed them in that specific connection, which is, I believe, what they were designed for.

HI, the best silver I have heard are A Capella La Musica. I have a pair from my turntable to preamp. I wouldn't part with them. They are very expensive but, sometimes available for less on Agon.
Add Ridge Street to your list: naturally insulated silver. No Teflon, no plastic.

They manufacture tube gear which is very accurate frequency responsewise and they also make interconnects, speaker cable and power cords to go with their gear -
I use thir interconnects, speaker cable and power cords in my high end solid state home theater system and they work to perfection for both multi-channel high resolution music and movies.

I know how you can get good discounts, too on their stuff.