Shunyata PC's - Taipan/Python Helix


Do users of either the Shunyata Taipan/Python Helix PC's from the wall through a Hydra 8 find that using these cords tends to lower the output level of music being played?

I am testing both these cords and found that I have to play anywhere from 3 to 10 db higher to get the sound up when using a different PC (all other items remaining the same) and with the same track/disc...

Both these cords snap the music into focus and smoothens out the sound versus my DIY Furutech PC (with Furutech gold receptacles)....The difference is really quite remarkable.

The Taipan is good but the Python really gives a fuller body to the music....but as I observed, tends to lower the sound level...

Between the two, the Python does a better job, widens the soundstage and makes it nice...and easy to listen fatique....

I do note a little veiling (could be a little more transparent) of the music but this could be due to my 13 year old JVC source being the cause or the Shunyata cable characteristics.....I am in the process of looking for a new source...

My other question is whether the Virtual Dynamics Nite II/Master series or Black Sand Violet/Silver Reference are in the same league of the Shunyatas? I am considering these cables...

I listen to Jazz Vocals, Vocals, LAtin, World music and pop...

WOuld appreciate your comments before I take the plunge...


My equipment consists of:

Speakers - Aerial Acoustics Model 9
Amps - McCormack DNA 225 x 2 Platinum upgrade with ARC 2 (monoblocks done by SMC Audio)
Pre - McCormack RLD 1 Platinum Upgrade
CD Player - JVC XL 1050 TN (in the process of upgrading)
Speaker Cables - Kimber BiFocal XL
Pre/Power IC - Acoustic Zen Silver Reference 2
Source to PRe IC - Cardas Golden Reference
Conditioner - Hydra 8
PC's - a whole bunch of DIY's (and I think they are holding back a lot of the sound)...
Room Size is 13' x 15' x 9'8"

It doesn't surprise me one bit that you are hearing a large perceived volume difference between the Shunyatas and your DIY cable with the gold Furutech connectors. The gold Furutech connectors you're using have an extremely high level of energy from about 2khz upwards, while the Shunyata cables are the exact opposite, and feature a somewhat reduced output between 2khz-5khz.
Sounds like maybe you'd like something in between.
Teck5, are the cords you are testing fully broken in?

Also, as your system gets more resolving with each upgrade, the shortcomings of your 13 year old cd player become more apparent.

Just something to consider.
In this case, don't shoot the messenger(cables).
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