Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
audphile, you have the Audio Research LS-25 right? When I tried poewr cords on my Ref 3, I found that nothing worked better than the stock cords. Perhaps the LS-25 will behave in the same manner. Consider yourself lucky if it does! You dont have to spend money on expensive cords!
Tboooe, thanks for the suggestion but unfortunately it isn't the case with LS-25. Stock cord does not sound bad at all, but the Shunyata Taipan Helix Alpha sounds a lot better on it. Don't forget, the LS-25 is about 3 generations back and 1 model down from REF3 so these 2 models can not really be compared at all. I'm not in a hurry to change anything in my system right now as everything is working together so well that I can not point out any shortcomings. I'm just enjoying the music. But I will try the new SR power cords anyway. Just to see what the buzz is all about and if they are better, then they'll replace whatever the power cords they beat in my system.
tboooe... the Precision Reference PC is feeding a McIntosh MC352 two channel amp...

I agree with joey's comments and evaluations made earlier today...

this Tesla stuff is the real deal...

the promise made by cable manufacturers decades ago has been realized by SR... nice work!

I'm tempted to check out the Hologram D on the CDP...
istanbulu, for my cdp, the Hologram D did indeed make a pretty big difference though I still evaluating. I am impressed with the soundstage width. My speakers have never disappeared more so than with these cables. The most impressive change though is how accurate they are. The sound is also much livelier. By this I mean that notes seem more well defined. Its like drawing something with a freshly sharpened pencil vs a crayon. The edges and note composition is so much more sharp and less "sloppy". I am concerned that this extra definition may lead to listening fatigue though. I need to keep listening. Don't get me wrong, upon initial listening the sound is very dynamic and engaging.

One thing I noticed when I was at SR listening to Ted's system as well as my own system is that the SR cords tend to create a vertical layering of the sound. For example, I hear the vocals on one level while hearing the guitars a foot or two below. Interesting.
It's pretty cool listening to a singer not holding a guitar in front of their face isn’t it? –or- “your mean all instruments don’t line up ruler flat along the horizontal axis of our tweeters?” : )

When I first got my power cords from SR I plugged them in, and promptly unplugged them and daisy chained them to my Sub Zero- brrrrr. You've got to let them burn in before they open up and settle down.

I am still working on my review however in my system the new Tesla power cords exhibit the same traits as my Tesla interconnects and speaker cables. Holographic sound staging, timbreal accuracy, dramatic front to back, top to bottom, and side to side layering, air through the ceiling, transparency, non fatiguing natural detail, and a black background from which micro transients and minute inner detail spring forth where before I heard only low level noise.

From what I gather the Hologram D was engineered to work in conjunction with other Tesla power cords as a “system” and this was confirmed by an email exchange I had with SR, as well as their website. If you’re going to run Hologram D you may need to combine it with Hologram A or Precision AC or T3 on your amp, and T2 on your pre amp. These power cords seem to “balance” each other very well- especially at the upper end of the line. My take so far is that the Precision AC is the most pinpoint, the Hologram A sounding like a cross between a Precision AC and a Hologram D while adding warmth to my system, and T3 has a rich yet detailed presentation with a liquid sound field and a “round” quality to image placement. If you are not going to run the Hologram system, or if you’re not going to add other Tesla cables down the road, you may be better off running T3.

I don’t want to give too much away from my review but the net result is unlike anything I have ever heard before. Just like Instanbulu, I am having trouble finding words to convey my experience with these cables.