Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
Well I am trying out the AU79 and the MIT IC's along with the Acoustic Zen cables this week. Have no clue what I am doing ... tips on what features to listen for would be helpful!

I am upgrading from Audioquest Opal (single ended). All of the demo cables are better! The demo's are balanced) and are used betwen the DAC and pre amp.

Levinson transport Sonic Frontiers Mark 2 to Audio Research LS15 to Classe 2200 Power amp and Kef 104/2 speakers.

My initial impression is that the AU74 is warmer then the MIT's... Easy to live with. My description would match the web site.

I wrote down... the MIT's seem to have a bit more base extension and are clear.. also very easy to live with the MIT's.

Getting the impedance match was critical... they were awful at Medium impedance... Very nice at High impedance.... (This matches the Pre Amp spec as well)

The MIT's seem to be a bit more effecient then the Snynergistcs. eg... a click or two on the pre amp to match volumes.. (wild ass guess on the level mathces here)

This got me wondering if the impedance matching of the synergistics is not quite right for my gear?
Reading SR's web site you may need to throw a Magnetic Tricon into the mix. It seems the Au79 plays the same role as their Apex flag ship as a dedicated source to pre amp cable with Magnetic Tricon filling in between pre and power amps just like Precision Reference. The Apex / Precision Reference combo worked wonders in my system with the two cables balancing each other perfectly.
Agree about the Enigma. Wow. The Accelerator speaker cables I'm demoing currently sound great; a little hot but way less veiled than even the AZ Satori (mid bass hump). I'm running Soundstring Alpha omega Pro balanced (5M) from pre-to-amp. I demo'd the Accelerator IC's there (1M, reconfig'd the system temporarily to accomodate 1M demos) a few months ago, before the Soundstrings, and loved them, but didn't like the Acoustic Refs (way too many changing models at SR) between pre and amp. Is the Accelerator more at at home there?
Hey Ted, The Accelerator sounds best to me from Pre to amp with the Acoustic Reference on CDP. The next step up is the Precision Reference on pre to amp and Apex on CDP.

If you want a fast and slightly warm sound use all Accelerators. If you want very warm use all Acoustic Reference. If you want the most neutral sound use all Precision Reference. If you want everything go all Apex. Or you can combine the cables to get all the levels in between. That is what makes the Tesla line so great. Buy the best combo for your budget and listening preferences.

I found all of one type of Tesla is TOO much of a good thing. It's when you use combo's of these cables that work best. They all have different strenghts rather than one being better than the other.