Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
Adwiegert, I had talked to a Mike at S.R and he said he was working on the site when I had

Regards Bacardi
It seems they have been "working" on the Web page for several years...

Great products, Great Service, but the product information needs improvement. It seems to me that getting product information on their web site would be an important lifeline for the type of customers SR seeks.

Perhaps they need to hire a High School kid to get that web page humming.
Ozzy, I agree with you on your points. It has been several years now and they have new stuff like the Acoustic Art with pics and great descriptions just releasing without finishing old stuff like T3 UHC(isn't even on site), pics of cords and even reviews(very important to new customers and anxious buyers). Get moovin S.R....."Get er done!!!!!!!!"

I agree we need to spend more time on marketing and the website. The fact is our passion and the energy of my company since Tesla has focused primarily on product development- it has been so much fun developing new technologies that we have had little time to document them on our website. After RMAF we are moving full steam ahead with a greatly expanded website which will cover Teslaplexes, QLS’s, all Tesla models, Galileo and Galileo spin off technologies. In the mean time I thank all of you who have shared your experiences and time with other audio enthusiasts.

Regarding options for Active Shielding here is the breakdown on the hierarchy of performance for Active Shielding.

Basic Active Shielding is achieved with the supplied MPC's for Active Cables.

The next move up in performance is the Quattro powered by either a Tesla T2 or T3 Active power cord.

The current highest performance for Active Shielding is achieved when all MPC’s are plugged into a QLS 6 or QLS 9 Quantum Tunneled Line Strip with either a T2 or T3 power cord powering the QLS and plugged into a PowerCell line conditioner. For most systems with a full complement of Active Tesla IC’s, SC’s, and PC’s an Active Tesla T2 or T3 power cord plugged into a QLS will be the power cord that yields the single greatest benefits of all Active power cords in your system.

After RMAF we will be launching the first spin off technology from our Galileo research program. A hand built Quantum Tunneled Galileo MPC. The Galileo MPC is point to point wired (no circuit board), uses Vishay capacitors and Quantum Tunneled diodes. It is Quantum Tunneled in a six step process- the transformer is first Quantum Tunneled on its primary winding and a second time on its secondary winding, the Vishay capacitor is Quantum Tunneled as are the diodes. Next the signal path is Quantum Tunneled as are all contact points- the two AC blades, the lead wires and connectors are all Quantum Tunneled. The net performance gain of Galileo MPCs on Tesla cables is significant and on par with the Enigma valve power supply for Active Shielding.

Regarding the Transporter, this is in the development stage but should offer the highest performance option when available. This will be a state-of-the-art system wide power supply for Active Shielding with lessons learned from the Enigma and the Galileo MPC development programs. As many have speculated it will also be expensive.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer / Owner Synergistic Research Inc.
I just moved my Precision AC from my QLS 9 and put it on my power amp, then moved my T3 from amp and put it on my Quattro, moved my T2 from Quattro and put it on the QLS9. Today I noticed the frontal sounstage moved towards me, sort of came alive and real. Surround effects became more noticeable and surrounding. I agree the T3 matches the Quattro better than the T2, no doubt. Thx Ted.

Regards Bacardi