Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
I've been steadily changing all of my cabling to SR Tesla over the past year. Started with T2 power cords on my Ayre preamp and CDP and a T3 UHC on my Krell amp. Soon afterward bought a Teslaplex (incredible bargain and should be the first purchase before or along with the Tesla power cords).

Next was Accelerator speaker cables and XLR ICs. I agree with Dave b that the Accelerator line (when it is the only Tesla cabling in the system) has a "Gray" sound that tends to wear on you after a while. Too bad he hasn't tried Precision Reference and Apex. Totally different story, plus the Accelerator XLR IC works well when used between preamp and amp combined with the higher-line cables (poor man's Precision Reference?).

Soon afterward, upgraded to Precision Reference speaker cables from the Accelerator (big improvement). Then bought a REL Stadium III and added a REL Spec 2 hi-level cable.

Each addition and upgrade of Tesla cables and power cords was a significant incremental improvement. The only exception was when I tried a Precision AC power cord in place of the T3 UHC on my Krell amp. Although detail, clarity and air were superior with the Precision AC, overall musicality suffered so I quickly sold it off for what I paid for it.

The frequent claim that adding additional Tesla cabling (properly selected to give optimum synergy) yields a "sum is greater than the parts" benefit has definitely proven true in my system.

I recently added a Powercell 10 SE (most significant improvement yet) and a QLS9 for the MPCs. At the same time, I decided to demo an Apex XLR IC and Hologram D in place of the AQ Niagara 72dbs XLR IC and T2 power cord on my Ayre CDP. As expected, the improvement was remarkable, so I decided to buy the Apex and Hologram D in addition to the Powercell and QLS9.

The demo Apex ICs and Hologram D from the dealer did not have the Galileo MPCs, but I ordered four of them with the new cables. One was placed on the Powercell 10SE/Precision AC combo, one on the Precision Reference speaker cables, one on the new Apex XLR ICs, and one on the REL Spec 2 cable. I can assure you that the Galileo MPCs in these four locations made a VERY profound improvement in the sound of my system over the non-Galileo-MPC'd demo cables.

Based on what I am hearing with the Galileo MPCs in place, I would recommend adding them to your existing Tesla ICs and speaker cables before upgrading to higher Tesla lines, just as the Teslaplex is a more sensible early upgrade than moving up the Tesla power cord line from T2 or T3 to Precision AC or Hologram without it.

I have read many posts expressing contempt toward the $400 retail price of the Galileo MPCs, and I certainly agree that $400 is a lot of cash for a "wall wart", but the improvement in my already Tesla-loomed system makes it (almost) seem like a bargain. Contrast spending $400 on a Galileo MPC for your Accelerator or Precision Reference ICs/speaker cables with the cost of upgrading them to Apex. BIG DIFFERENCE. Not that I am necessarily asserting that there will be the same improvement from the Galileo MPCs compared to moving up to Apex, only that it is a more reasonable financial step and you WILL hear a wonderful improvement with the Galileo MPCs on your existing Telsa cables. Plus, they can be used with subsequent Tesla cabling upgrades, so it is almost a can't loose decision.

Just my opinion.

Dlcockrum, yours is my experience also. I do wish, however, that the Enigma II would come out allowing all SR cables to be charged from one location and one with a substantial power supply.
I have ordered a Galileo double lead mpc and should receive by early next week. One question on placement in my 5 channel home theater system, without a powercell, placing it on my QLS 9 Precision AC power cord and the Quattro T2? Or my power amp T3 and the Pre amp T2???? Any suggestions???

Regards Bacardi
I have none, Bacardi. I think, Ted Denney might, however. All I can say is to try in different locations.
I replaced IC between my DA Converter and integrated amp with Accelerators am using accelerator speaker cables and T3 power cords on DAC, integrated amps over a year ago. I eventually replaced IC between my DA converter/integrated amp with Apex IC and I could not be happier.
Using T3 on my DAC may be a bit overkilled but I happened to come across used one locally at a very good price so I could not let it pass :)
Anyhow, so I recently ordered Apex speaker cables with Galileo MPC and could not wait to try them out.

Eventually I think I will still need to replace my IC between my phono and integrated amp which is still the Accelerator.

A few questions I have, for possible future upgrade, if I want to add more Galileo, it would make most sense for me to do the T3 power cords to my integrated amp first as that would affect the entire system whether I am using digital or analog. Right now MPCs are just plugged into regular strips but look like everyone seems to recommend using QLS.

As far as mix and match IC/speaker cables, since I am using integrated amp (ASR) with Apex speaker cables, for phono preamp, should I stick with Apex? What would I be giving up if I go with Precision Reference?