Update on listening impressions with the Galileo MPCs:
Over the past several weeks, I have added G-MPCs to my system one at a time. So far, these are the ones I have added and they have made significant improvements:
1) Powercell 10SE and included Precision AC cord
2) Precision Reference speaker cables
3) Apex ICs from CDP to pre
4) Hologram D power cord and REL Spec 2 sub interconnect
This leaves my Accelerator ICs from pre to amp, T3UHC on my amp, T2 on my preamp, T2 to the QLS9 powering the MPC's without G-MPCs until yesterday.
This morning, I roused my golden-eared wife into my listening room and tried the fifth G-MPC in each of the above locations:
1) On the Accelerator ICs from pre to amp
Nope. Although there was more ambient information with the G-MPC, there was a dulling of transients and a loss of image focus. Perhaps the razor sharp nature of the Accelerator with the standard MPC is providing just the right balance in this postion.
2) On the T3 UHC to my amp
Nope. Same as above but also too much warmth. The T3 UHC is a warm cord to begin with and adding the G-MPC took it too far in that direction. My guess is that a Precision AC with the G-MPC would be a good upgrade in this position at this point.
3) On the T2 to my preamp:
We could instantly tell that something had been inserted. Immediate increase in ambient information, but took things toward a slight congestion in the sound during complex musical passages. This one will definitely depend on personal preference and the overall system balance. We prefer it without the G-MPC in this position in my system.
4) On the T2 to the QLS9 powering all MPCs:
This one had pluses and minuses. Female vocals were spot on with just the right amount of air and texture (superior to the standard MPC), but drums lost macro dynamics and micro dynamics as a whole suffered slightly. There was again a slight congestion in complex passages. Don't like the trade off.
So, for now, the fifth G-MPC will remain unused in my system. The sound is just SO dialed in with the first four G-MPCs in place, I am choosing to leave well enough alone (for now!).
I will be the first to say that all of this is entirely system dependent and that your results may, and likely will, be different.
Don't know if it is just too much of a good thing or that the G-MPC is better for Powercells, speaker cables, and ICs than it is for power cords. I do know that adding the G-MPC to the Hologram D was a great improvement, so I can't really make a blanket statement on this. Just know what I (and my wife) are hearing.
I do feel that I have accumulated enough experience with the G-MPC to say that it could be a mistake to assume that completely G-MPCing your system will yield the best results. Maybe so, but definitely maybe not.