Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
Guys, I need to mention the benefits of isolating QLSs from vibrations. Somehow I had ignored this in my use of SR cables. I had heard the benefits of isolating the Apex speaker wires, briefly tried the PowerCell 10SE on StillPoints component stand, and even isolated the vast majority of my SR power cords on Rightway Suspenders, but I never really gave much thought to the QLS, other than to wish I did not have the snakes nest behind my system. Then when Adwiegert inquired about the QLS, I finally thought about it.

I now have my QLS-9 isolated on a Walker butcher block base and have had it there for over a week. I also further assured that the power cords are all off the floor on isolation bases. This weekend with extended listening, I am in awe of the benefits of this. I, of course, have no experience with other vibration devices on the QLS, but I urge you all to try some. It is not subtle! The soundstage is strikingly wide and precise and the dynamics are frightening. On the last Chinese drum cut on the Burmester CD III, I clipped my amp. I have never heard that happen before.
Bacardi , Well I have played around with the Hologram A now on my Preamp and the Precision Ref now on my Amp for about a week and here it what I conclude so far.

There is definitly a better focused image and more presence in the Higher frequency.
But, something is lot different in the sound. Very hard to descibe. Perhaps it is because I have just been so used to the sound with the Power cables installed the other way around that this is now hard to get used to.
I am not sure if this change in total is a better sound than when the power cables were in there original position. I still need to evaluate for another week, then I will change them back and hear what happens.

I think it is something worth trying in your system though, let me know what you think.
Ozzy, I tried the Precision Ref on my amp versus the Hologram A and much preferred it, but Ted D says he cannot predict which will work best with amps. He was, however, shocked that I preferred the T2 to the Hologram A on my line stage. I suspect that these cables are very system dependent.
Ozzy. What I heard with the Hologram A on my pre amp and Precision AC on my amp was like everything sounded muffeled as if everything was behind a blanket but still listenable, like 80% of what should be there. Then when switched the other way everything opened up and dynamics, soundstage(width) , all frequencies came out and grabbed you in your seat.

Regards Bacardi
"What I heard with the Hologram A on my pre amp and Precision AC on my amp was like everything sounded muffeled as if everything was behind a blanket but still listenable"

Great description, Bacardi. I had the exact same experience with the Hologram A on my preamp. However, the Precision AC was very good on my amp, yet I ultimately preferred the slightly more rich and harmonically complete sound of the T3UHC there.