The Galileo Universal Speaker Cells are revelatory. I doubt if anyone, on hearing them, will ever remove them. But the MIGs are driving me crazy. The two positionings–two up and one down or two down and one up, how long they take to settle in or break in, and where you position them yields hours and hours of experimentation.
Pin-Point positioning ( two down) on digital sources, yields sounds in the recording that you otherwise never hear-fingerings, coughs, noises in the background, such as telephones ringing, and even comments among the performers. It is realistic as well as disconcerting. It is also very upfront sound.
Ambient (two up) is more spacious and layback. You really need to mix them, but in what location to use each remains unknown. An every time you move the MIGs you need to wait for them to settle in. The MIGs are very powerful and promise massive improvements in your sound, but don't expect an easy introduction into your system. You have hours of experimentation ahead of you. I figure that I am about half way there.
There is a real question in my mind also as to whether the stand under the MIGs matters. My PowerCell sits on a double Mana stand (two stands one on top the other) while every other device sits on a StillPoint rack. Changes under the PowerCell are equally as great as under the other equipment.