Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
Quick question on speaker cells, each cell has 3 connectors for single, bi and tri-wire, since there is no instruction and no marking on those connectors, can I use any set of connectors for high and low in case of bi-wire or is there any specific order I that I suppose to use.
Currently I have low pass connect to the middle connector (let say middle one is No.2 and the other connector is No. 1 and 3). At least on one cell, there was no sound coming out of the tweeters when I had the high pass connect to connector 3 but when connect to No.1, it was working fine. I am not sure if No.3 connector is broken or if I suppose to use connector going from 1 to 2 to 3 for single, bi and tri wire?
Well, I have now put Universal Cells on my speaker wires about a month ago, on my preamp to amp ics about a week ago, and on my digital source to preamp ics, about two hours ago. I had deliberately installed them one by one although Mr. Denney had told me that the completion of the connections would be better than the sum of the individual Cell contributions. But stubborn I am.

I heard a major jump in clarity, ease, bass, top end extension and sweetness when I put on the Universal Speaker Cells. Mr. Denney had said that I would, and he was right.

When I the two sets of Universal Interconnects Cells arrived, I figured that the part for between the preamp and amp would improve all of my inputs, two digital (Mac Server and Exemplar/Oppo 83) and vinyl (Bergman Sindre and Ortofon A-90 cartridge). When I did figure out how to install it with in on the shelf of my rack behind the preamp, it was a nice improvement with all the characteristics listed above.

I have just installed the final set on my digital input. With them hanging down from the preamp. I listened immediately to be sure that all was well. It was. But as I sat there I heard improvements. Before taking off to do some business, I listened to the FIM K2 Sampler focusing on Touch, Pachelbel's Canon in D, and several others in between. Each cut sounded better

On returning I have relistened to many of these cuts and others. It would be hard to overstate what I hear. The clarity, sweetness, ease, bass, and ultimately realism and the overall sense of presence are just amazing. I already know I will need and additional set of source to preamp Universal Interconnect Cells. And these things are not inexpensive, but I may be avoiding a much more expensive amp and preamp. I don't want to think too much about how these would make my system sound with such expensive electronics. My point is merely to suggest the Universal Cells may represent the contributions of much more expensive electronics.

Suteetat, I put the first set into the dangling position and heard no change.
One weakness in my system in the past was in the bass which I contributed to my Berkeley DAC. I feel that Berkeley tends toward slowish, heavy, fat and less articulate bass at least in comparison to my old Esoteric D05 (although everything else is better, at least in my system). After replacing my Accelerator speaker cables with Apex, the added weight and warmth occasionally was a bit too much of a good thing. After rewiring my Usher Be-20, changed some caps in crossover, bass tightened up quite a bit. However, speaker cells (and most likely IC cells as well) really cleaned up the bass. Recently I had home audition of EMM Lab XDS1 for a week, its bass performance was significantly better than Berkeley but I still prefer Berkeley mid range tonality and overall musicality. However the improvement in bass performance by adding Speaker Cells/IC Cells I think is quite a bit more than EMM Lab offer.

I talked to Cable Company who said that all three output on speaker cells are the same and they will replace the unit with one defective output for me.
I continues to be impressed by the cells. After a couple of days, I would say speed, clarity, extended bass without becoming lean or sacrificing fullness or sweetness of the sound is the major benefit here. I tried adding some MIGs today, first under my Berkeley DAC then under ASR battery unit for the line level then under the two power supplies.
In my setup, pin point configuration seems to be more additive to the benefit of the cells. Voice gains more body, strings gain a touch more bloom and nice decay. Last night I went to see Silk Road Ensemble with Yo Yo Ma. May be it is my imaginating things but today, listening to Bernstein performance of Mahler Symphony No.2, opening movement, I feel that for the first time, I could really hear how the sound resonates from a Cello soundboard/body.
The only annoying thing is that brass. Listening to fanfare in Tuba Mirum from Verdi's Requeim seemed bit dull. It seems that at least one ambience configuration either on DAC or ASR battery pack helps quite a bit in this case. However, I am not sure I want to keep flipping MIGs everytime I want to listen to something with trumpet or horn :( and flip it back for everything else!
I have not heard any other footer that change the sound this much, be it metal cone, spike, rubber footer, roller ball etc except for perhaps the new Nordost Titanium something or other cone that I heard recently at a demo at a local hifi show. Unfortunately even with special discount at the show, one single cone would buy me a couple sets of MIGs and some change.

I have not try MIGs under ASR unit itself as I am not sure if ASR acrylic chassis would be able to sustain its weight (about 40 something Kgs, I think) on 3 MIGs without breaking.