Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
Fplanner2010, now I am more confused. What does "both Apex main and Apex pigtails hooked to speaker cell input" mean? I know there are pigtails on the ends of Apex speaker cables. Presumably these are not what you mean. I know that the Universal Speaker Cells come with Basik speaker wires. Is that what you mean by Apex pig tails? If this is so, who suggest that you do this? I would not expect that have fully shielded Apex speaker wires with unshielded Basiks would be best.

If none of this is the case, just ignore me.
Tbg - Its VERY SIMPLE - My Apex cables are BI-WIRE, which means there are 4 ends that go to the speakers. 2 of those ends are heavier(main) and the other 2 come off of the main Apex cable as 48" pigtails. All are spade terminated, with the main ends being heavier spades than those at the ends of the pigtails. Hooking ALL 4 up to the INPUT side of the speaker cell solved my problem. If this is still confusing, SR can perhaps explains better than I.
Thanks for your feedback.
Fplanner2010, I now understand. I can only imagine what it must be like dealing with the Apex speaker wires at the Universal Speaker Cells. When I connected my single run of Apex speaker wires, they wanted to twist the Universal cells onto their sides. I just put a lead weight on overnight and let gravity twist the Apex into level.
Fplanner2010, What is confusing is the 48" length of your "pigtails". Mine are about 12".
Ozzy - I have VSA VR-7's which required the extra length for the bi-wire application. I've hooked the 2nd speaker to the speaker cell and will wait a day or two before critical listening. Initial impression is pretty positive.