Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
I installed new speaker cables and interconnects into my system. It's the Synergistic Research NEW Galileo universal speaker cells and interconnect cells. I installed the cells using the included Galileo Basik speaker cables and interconnects. Initial gains in a blacker background and even more separations of instruments, better low level listening because of the gain in resolution. There is a lot more detail and realness to the sound, instruments sound like the real thing and the soundstage was made wider and deeper. The midrange is not as holographic when compared to my previous Apex speaker cables but they have the same frequency extremes. I repeat, listening at lower levels is a complete joy as the details are all there. This alone is worth the price. The result of adding these cells to my system are not subtle changes in sound quality. The interconnect cells are a must companion to the speaker cells this increases system performance times two. The interconnect cells are so accurate and the tone is spot on for all brass instruments. These are keepers. I will soon experiment the cells with other Synergistic products. Probably when the new stuff comes out soon. These are a must try for anyone with their current cables even if they don't have any other Synergistic products.
Has any one tried a Galileo MPC with the PowerCell? Can you comment on the improvements heard over the standard MPC?
RE: Migs I too would recommend the MiGs...especially when you consider the price. I own ceraballs (new and older versions), vibrapods, deadballs, rollerball jrs. with tungsten upgrage, and diy gingko platforms, and the SR MiGs were my hands down favorite.
The orientation does indeed change the presentation and involves some trial and error. It should be said that the pin-point position changes the focus but doesn't seem to make the music "bright." It should also be noted that the position of the MiGs under the components alters the presentation.
I like them so much that I have MiGS under all my components in my two channel system (amp, pre, cd, and power conditioner) and have moved the other vibration accessories to my home theater pieces.
Try one set if you don't like them send them back. Good luck!
Yo2tup, Yes, the Galileo MPC is a must for the Powercell. It’s the first spot Ted recommends you put a Galileo MPC if you just have one.
Ideally, put a dual Galileo on your Powercell. One to the powercell and other to the Powercells powercord for maximum quality.

Regards Bacardi