Cardas or Virtual Dynamics power cords? Opinions?

My system is Ayre Acoustics C5, K1, and Monoblocks. Speakers: Sophia 2s. I am considering new power cords. Which will give me the most benefit, 4 Cardas Golden Reference---or 3 Virtual Dynamics "David 2s" on preamp and amps + a Virtual Dynamics Revelation (old vers.) on CD player?

I agree with Islandear and Flanner. The Revelations are worth the effort. Go for it, John!

My mono blocks are directly behind my speakers also with not very much space between the wall and the back of the amps. I have them on SRA Ohio-Class XL Plus Isobases. After prebending the 8-foot Revelations, I looped them underneath the SRA Craz racks, then underneath the Isobases and finally to the back of the speakers. It took at least an hour to get everything just right, but there is no pressure on the amp or speaker binding posts.

I have not heard the Transparent Opus MM or Reference MM or the Purist Audio Anniversary or VD Genesis speaker cables, but I'd be surprised if anything short of those is going to better VD Revelations (there are some other top of the line cable I have not heard either -- like the top of the line Siltechs, the Silversmith Paladiums and the Jena Labs Dreamdancers, all of which have their proponents).


Rja- Yes, those magnetic ends are "sticky" so you have to be careful. Interesting that you had a bottlecap around your stereo gear...

Brouch - Just received a Genesis PC and will be attempting to install it this weekend between my power conditioner (2nd shelf from bottom of my rack) and my CD player (top of my rack) without pulling either of them out of position. The CD player is also on Stillpoints so this will be quite a challenge. I will probably have to rely upon inertia, the spin of the earth, prayer and blind luck to pull this off(no pun) without breaking anything. That cord(s) has got to weigh at least 14-15 lbs. Rumor has it the resulting sound is pretty spectacular, so again, worth the effort. I too plan to be sweating.............
To all,
I replaced the binding posts on my Rowland amp today, and wrestled the Revelations into place (I have the scars to prove it).
My initial impressions are favorable, they sound very good. The attack and decay of instrumental notes, as well as the power and dynamics stand out as outstanding.
There are some things that I miss about the PAD Dominus speaker cables that I had been using though. The Dominus presented a more relaxed, laid back presentation, with better soundstage depth. The Dominus was also better at making the walls and speakers 'dissapear'.

The Revelations have a more 'immediate' presentation, somewhat like moving up towards the stage several rows. The Dominus has more of a 'laid-back' presentation, more like seating mid-hallish. Obviously different people will prefer different presentations.

Though the Dominus cannot match the attack and decay speed of the Revelation, and sound a bit slow in comparison, I do wish that the Revelation had the spacious dimensionality that the Dominus present.

These are just my initial impressions. Obviously, due to the stiffness of the VD cables, quick A/B comparisons will not be possible. Both are very fine cables, with strong attributes. Which will be prefferable in the long run is yet to be determined.


I really appreciate your comparison of the Revelation and the Dominus. I have not heard a Dominus and have comments on it that are all over the spectrum.

I have had my Revelation SCs in my system now for a bit more than 100 hours and they are still improving, especially in debth and air around images on the soundstage. Speakers completely disappeared long ago when I replaced the Russian Sovtecs with appropriate NOS tubes - Telefunken, Amperex and RCA mostly. As they settle in over the next few days they should improve signifantly. Then over the next 100 hours the improvement will be gradual but noticeable.

Fplanner, All of us will be interested in your take on the Genesis vs. the Revelation after the Genesis has settled in.


John and Ed,
When I put new balanced Revelations in my system it took a good 3-4 months for them to bloom. Speaker cables of course should be quicker but be patient you will be rewarded.
Oh I almost forgot, no such thing as break-in, it's all a myth 8^).
BTW: The first time I tried to install the Rev bi-wired SC I broke a speaker terminal. Up side, I replaced all the terminals with Cardas gold plated copper. Seemed to help the sound a bit.